Chapter 8- A single rose

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My head is thudding, feeling like a million elephants are stampeding through my skull. I groan and scrunch my eyes shut tighter. After a few minutes of lying like this, I realise I'm not going back to sleep courtesy of the nausea I feel in my stomach. I huff and open my eyes. I squint at the light entering the large windows in the living room. Wait- what? There arn't windows in the living room. I look around and slowly remember the events of last night, right up to barking at Scott's neighbour's dog. After that is blank. I stumble to my feet and rush up the stairs. I've been in Scott's house before so I know the layout.

I sprint down the corridor as fast as I can in heels, and turn left at the end. I skip up the two stairs and straight into the bathroom ahead. I reach the toilet just as half the bar's of Maplestein's stock pours out of me. I kneel before the loo, resting my arms on the wooden seat. I lean my head over and hock up the inside of my stomach. As I puke, images of last night scroll through my head. They're only small fragments of memories but they're enough to give me a general idea of what went on. I remember telling some poor barman he had a stick up his arse and then I've got my arm around some guy I've never met before. I remember dancing with various people; Scott's friends mostly. For some reason I remember me and Scott laughing at a not-very-impressed policeman. What the hell? 

When I'm finally done I sit back and pull a bit of toilet paper off the roll and wipe my mouth before discarding it into the bowl. Just then I hear a door bang open and footsteps thudding towards me. I frown and then see Scott come around the corner, hand pressed against mouth. He runs up the stairs and then spews into the loo. I laugh but then stop abruptly when my headache begins to pang harder.  "Hey." I grumble.

Scott pukes for a little longer before wiping his mouth and sitting with his back to the tiled wall. "'Hey." 

"Be a doll and pass me that box of Neurofen. My head's banging." I press my hand to my forehead and screw my eyes shut. I hear Scott shuffle and then feel a small, rectangular box being pushed into my lap. I open my eyes and open the box, pop out a pill and then swallow it down.

"So remember much?" Scott asks, rolling his head towards me. I roll my neck trying to get rid of some off the stiffness.

I shake my head. "Shit all really. I remember some things but they're so random I have no idea what's going on." I glance over at him. "You?"

"Uh, I remember dancing. Laughing. I laughed a lot." I smile.

"That's because I was there, sweetie. Do you remember getting stopped by the police?"

"I know they stopped you. Not sure why though...." I frown.

"I seem to remember something about a sheep?" I purse my lips thinking. My headache has started to recede.

"I think you met some guy and his name was something to do with a sh-" I snap my fingers.

"Shaun! I remember laughing at him and-" I stop short at the memory.

"What?" Scott frowns at me, a small crease between his eyebrows.

"Oh Scott...." I shake my head and press my lips together into a straight line.

"Tell me!"


"Yeah, what about me?" He coaxes. 

I start to giggle. "I remember you staring at Shaun in complete wonder and saying 'Woah. So dude, are you the original Shaun the sheep?' " I try my best to mimic Scott's drunken voice. "Or it was something along those lines." Scott shakes his head.

"No way."

"Uh yeah way!" I feel the familiar sickness and Scott notices my pallor change. He gestures towards the toilet and rests his head on the wall. I lean over and puke. I hold back my hair with my right hand whilst supporting myself with my left. I feel Scott's hand brush mine has he helps hold my hair back. I throw up a little more and then turn my head and smile gratefully at him. I reach up and grab a bit of toilet paper. 

Goodbye, sis! *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now