Chapter 11

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Oh sweet Jesus. Why? Why now? My life is finally getting back together, why must he ruin everything!

I stare at the hat in my hands and crumple it as a burning rage seeps through out my body. I should be afraid, but I'm not. I think that is the sickest part of this. I'm not scared, I'm not even scared of what he's planning, I'm just pissed. How dare he threaten my family again? Doesn't he realize he's done enough?

I'm so indulged in my emotional turmoil that I don't hear the sirens, I don't see the blue and red lights, I don't even feel Scott shaking my shoulder, trying to snap me back to reality. Angry tears well in my eyes but I blink them away, setting my face into an emotionless mask. Blank eyes, blank face, blank mind, blank heart.

I look at the hat in my hand, crumpled and creased, broken. "Ash? Ashley! Ashley, can you hear me? You need to-" I push Scott away, I don't feel bad when he stumbles and almost falls on his ass. I've got more important things to worry about. I march straight up to a police car and corner one of the officers climbing out. 

He looks to be in his late thirties, slightly balding. You could tell he used to be good looking in his younger years but I suppose age and the stress of the job were getting to him. "How can I help you, miss?" I held the hat out to him, not uttering a word.

"This belongs to a Jake Colton. You need this as evidence. It fell off the guy's head that destroyed my bike, also the murderer of my sister Zoey Colton. You should take this." 

The policeman's head snapped away from the hat towards my face when I said my Uncle's name. He looked shocked and a tiny bit terrified. "J-Jake Colton? As in the Shed Fire murderer?" I squinted my eyes at him. How professional. 

I sighed in exasperation. "Yes!" He stared at me for a second longer before muttering some things to his radio and colleague before grabbing a plastic evidence bag from the car and taking the hat from me, carefully sealing it in the bag.

"Thank you miss, we can take it from here." I nodded and turned, only to wince as pain shot through my ankle and I became aware of the stinging in my wrists and knees. The adrenaline had worn off and grit my teeth at the pain. 

"Ash?" I looked up at the ginger glow of Scott as he walked towards me, gently wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "Come on, let's get you sorted." He began to escort me to the awaiting ambulance and I looked to my right at the burning wreck of what used to be my prized possession. As I stared into the flames all I felt was remorse. Remorse and a rage almost as scorching as the fire itself. 

I sat and let the paramedics fuss over me, whilst I watched the flames be smothered, turned to just hot embers drifting in the breeze. But unlike the fire, my anger did not die, if anything it intensified. That's when I swore to myself, I'm waiting Mean Uncle Jake. You're not getting away this time.

Come and get me.


A/N: Sorry about the short chapter guys,  but this was more of a filler just to show you guys I got my mojo back!

Let me know what you guys think and also, how would you guys like a bit of supernatural activities in this story? 

Comment and tell me what you think.

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Love you peeps!

Charli xox :')

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