The Lake I Know

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'Don't do it,' She thought to herself. 'Don't!' Her mind was about to burst with all the anger she was repressing.

"But what do you know? You'll never be anything more than a freak. You're just broken." Her eyes open wide. Silver blood boiling up. Behind her, they kept laughing with their friends around, supporting Kevin's every word, until his face is smashed to the ground as Lake quickly turns around with a raging punch.

He flies a few feet in the air before he reaches a window display with some school awards and shatters it with the impact before falling on the ground.

"My nose! My nose!" He cried with his hands covering his face. Everyone gasped and screamed in shock checking on their friend laying on the ground as Lake processed what had just happened.

"You broke his nose!" A ponytail girl screamed at her as the rest of Kevin's friends tried to help him get up while still wobbling from the pain.

'No...' Lake's eyes opened wide in shock. 'What have I done?' Her limbs froze with the realization. She had lost control over herself.

"What happened?" "Is someone fighting?" "Someone got punched." Whispers and speculations circling around as a crowd started to form around them. She stepped back slowly. All eyes on her, gasps and strange looks. "Wait, was this the new girl?" "Did that freak this to him?" "Man, you should have seen it! I swear he flew a few steps behind!" "What?" "How can she be so strong?" "No way..."

'It's over, I'm done for,' She started inner panicking. Thousands of thoughts running through her mind all at once. 'They're over me.' 'They know!' 'It's just a matter of time.' 'I'm gonna be sent to some experience lab.' 'My life is over!'

Each direction she looked they were all gazing at her, broken glass cracking against their feet, whispering at each other, gasping, the sound was unbearable. She was frozen in her place, sweating, heavy breathing, panicking. Until she ran. She ran as fast as she could away from everyone.

How could she let that happen? She knew what was at risk. Everything she worked for, all the sacrifices she made to get out of the train to live her own life, to be finally free. But she was slowly realising she could never be free, no matter how hard she tried. That karma, that destiny she tried to run away from at all costs was turning back to her either way. All her efforts... in vain...

She was rushing through the hallway, not looking at anything around her, nothing mattered anyway. She just kept looking forward trying to keep herself together.

Jesse was just about to leave from one of his classes and into the hallway when he spotted Lake running in his direction. "Oh, hey Lake," he greeted waving. "How was your-" She just kept running, not noticing him or anyone else. "-day...?" He lowered his hand. 'Something's off,' he thought to himself, before going after her.

Lake entered the girl's bathroom panting from exasperation. She put her hands in her head in despair, grabbing the few hair that had grown since she last cut it, still on the train. She checked all the bathroom stalls in case someone was in any of them and risked hearing her despair burst. She was having a meltdown but she wasn't stupid nor reckless. She couldn't risk exposing herself even more. All clear, good. After her perimeter check, she walked towards the mirrors above the sinks. All reflections. Her own reflections looking at her with a pity look, her own look right now. Where had she gone since she left the Mirror World? Was all this for nothing? Was she back where she started?

Jesse saw her entering the girl's bathroom in the distance. He stops right in front of it when he's just two steps from entering. Could he enter it? He probably shouldn't enter it. If someone saw him- 'Ugh... screw it!'

Lake's Journey in the Prime World | Infinity Train: After Book 2 (beta version)Where stories live. Discover now