Shady Business - Part 1 of 3

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"Okay, so you stay here while I go talk to Finn." Says Jesse as he hands a walkie talkie down to Lake. "If I need any more info I'll contact you through this."

Lake looks at the unusual device with a strange face and asks, "Why couldn't you just use a phone like a regular person?"

"Because you don't have a phone and someone broke mine." Explains Jess with an incriminating look towards her.

"Oh... Yeah, sorry..." Lake rubs the back of her neck and laughs nervously.

"So stay in the car and cover yourself so no one can see you. Use the gloves, the hood, the-"

"Yeah yeah, got it." She interrupted putting the cap and sunglasses on.

Jesse closed the door of the car and turned to the house right in front of him.

Finn. Probably the only person who could help them right now. The only person he knew who was able to actually falsify documents and hack millionaire companies, even though he only used his skills to play some pranks to those so called companies and nothing more serious. Which could be seen as a waste of talent but Jesse just got glad Finn didn't get into any more trouble or fishy business.

Jesse walks on the sidewalk below the night sky with his hands in his pockets towards the house. It was a suburban house, with brown wood pillars and white painted walls.

He walks a few stair steps and with a bit of courage he rings the bell.


He rings again but still nothing.

"Hum... Lake? It seems like he's not answering." He says through the walkie talkie.

"Yeah, I can see that," She answers. She was just in front of the house, she could perfectly see the entrance where Jesse was standing. "Do you think he's not home?"

"Nah, he is home," He responds, "His parents are not, though, it's their late work day. Maybe he has trouble answering the bell..." Jesse says this last part wondering more to himself than to Lake, with his hand on his chin.

"Why would he have trouble- Ugh nevermind," Lake just rolls with it. "If you ask me, he probably just doesn't want to see you."

"No, Finn would never do that! He's a good friend."

"If he's such a good friend why didn't you hang out more with him instead of those buffheads?" Lake was referring to Troy and the rest of Jesse's bully old friends.

"I mean, well..." Jesse tilts his head. "He's not that much of a "buffhead" as you call it, but sometimes he can also be..." Jesse tries to find the words, "A bit difficult."

"What do you mean? Why would-" Lake isn't able to finish her line of thought because a tiny drone appears just right in front of Jesse's nose from a little window above the front door, making him jump from his place from the sudden appearance.

"Who is it!? Who's disturbing me at this hour!?" Comes a voice from the tiny drone. The drone moved a bit every time a new word came from it.

"Uh..." Jesse mumbles trying to process from the jump scare.

"Oh! Jesse!!!" The voice tone completely changed from suspicious to extremely welcoming and happy, "I heard you came back, but I didn't expect you to pay me a visit! Come in, come in!" Finn's voice was so excited and talking so fast it almost seemed like he had taken five cups of coffee as a late night drink. Which he probably had.

Some clicks and cracks sound behind the door before it opens all by itself.

Jesse, clearly uncomfortable, gazes at Lake, trying to make sure the little camera on the tiny drone doesn't catch him looking at the person in the car's passenger's seat.

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