Sorry For Being Polite

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"Where is he?" Asked Whittney while setting the table for dinner with Lake's help, "He should be here by now."

"I'm sure he's fine," Lake reassured her, even though Lake herself was also starting to worry, "The swimming competition is just a few weeks away and he was gone for enough time already," She turned around to get some more plates from the cabinet, "He probably just stayed a bit after practice to make up for the lost time."

"If so, he should have warned us, don't you think?" Whittney closed the drawer bluntly after taking the cutlery.

"You worry too much, honey," Said her husband while kissing her head, who had just entered the kitchen to start helping them set the table.

Whittney knew she should probably look paranoid in other's eyes. But she couldn't help it. She had lost her son once. She wasn't ready for that to happen again. Every time either Jesse or Nate were late getting home her heart would always start aching with worry. She knew the odds of one of them disappearing again were low, but she simply couldn't help worrying for her children.

Suddenly, Lake's phone rings with the sound of a text.

"See, it's probably him," Lake grabs her phone from the counter.

Whittney shoves her hand in her back pocket to check if she had any unread texts from Jesse. Nothing. Whittney huffs and composes herself.

'So it's her you text first...'

She looked to the side with crossed arms and a pout on her lips, even though beneath her sulk she was just happy Jesse would text any of them to tell them he's fine.

Lake looks at the screen to see a text from Jesse, finally easing her mind. She was about to reassure Whittney too until she opens the text.

Don't tell my mom it's me.

The relieved smile on her face fell.

"So?" His mother asked.

Lake tried not to look suspicious, "Hum, sorry, no. It's not him after all."

Why? What happened?

She answered back.

Can you meet me outside?

He was outside? Of the house? And he was asking her to come to him, instead of just entering himself? She was not liking where this was going. She was seriously not liking it.

And bring some of your foundation.

Her foundation? Like her makeup foundation? The one Finn got her to hide her metal skin every time she went out in public?

'Please tell me he isn't...'

"Uh... be right back," Lake made her way upstairs to get the foundation, "I'm just going to the bathroom."

Jesse's parents looked at each other before Lake could get out of their sight.

Once she got all she needed, she went through the back door to go unnoticed to meet Jesse. She didn't have time to cover her skin like she did when she would go outside, so she simply grabbed a hood, put it over her head, and hoped the dark night would help cover her.

"Jesse?" She called whispering around the house with her hands cupping around her mouth to make the sound louder but not loud enough for his parents to hear, "Jesse!"

"I'm here," Came Jesse's voice from behind her.

When Lake turns around, she sees him with his head down, a shy hand grabbing his sleeve from the opposite arm, showing a bit of embarrassment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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