Shady Business - Part 3 of 3

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Finn could not believe what he was seeing. Was it a trick? No, it couldn't be. They were hiding her for some reason, he knew that, but... there had to be a logical explanation for what he was observing right in front of him.

Lake gasps before putting up her hood once again and turning to Finn. "You dirty little weasel!" She yells as she walks towards him.

"Lake, no!" Jesse runs to stop her.

"I knew there was something else going on..." Finn starts, with a million thoughts running through his mind. "But this," He raises his arms towards her with a chuckle, "Was not what I was expecting!"

"'This' what?" Jesse plays dumb, running to be between the two. "T- there's nothing to expect. This is- This is what I was saying before. She's... she's sick! It's a pretty rare condition! But nothing too serious! Though thank you for worrying, but we should go now!"

"What are you!?" Finn asks, ignoring Jesse's useless attempt of putting everything under wraps.

"I'm not a 'what'! I'm a person!" She barks at him.

"Okay~ Let's not exalt ourselves, everyone. Let's take breathing exercises, okay? I start! Breathe in... Breathe out..." Jesse exemplified trying desperately to soften the situation.

"That's it! I've had enough of this!" Lake abruptly takes her gloves and jacket going around Jesse and towards Finn.

There was no point in hiding it now. Finn had seen her. She was pretty sure if that little genius could discover she was sitting in the passenger's seat outside in the car without leaving his room, it was pretty safe to assume he wouldn't be fooled by some useless attempt to diverge his attention from her situation to something else.

"Lake, wait!" Jesse runs to her. "What do you want to do? Kill him!?"

"Great idea, I say we hide the body." She says between teeth.

Jesse shivered, nervously laughing, not knowing exactly if she was joking or not.

For all intents and purposes, she was. But just a bit, though.

"Woah woah woah! No one is going to kill anybody!" Finn raises his hands alarmed going slowly backward, away from the furious metal person walking towards him. "I just want to know what's going on!" He justified. "You guys kept me in the dark this whole time!"

"Oh, and why do you think that was?" Lake says between ironic laughs.

"I was just curious!"

"That doesn't give you any right to just expose me like that without my consent!" She points an incriminating finger at him.

"I exposed you before you opened the door to the outside! I kept that in mind!" He huffed. "I'm not stupid!"

"Oh, you for sure look like it!"

"Guys," Jesse called with peace in his voice, "Why don't we discuss this away from the door to outside where everyone can hear us scream like crazy!" He finished this last part strangely whispering and screaming at the same time.

The early teens exchanged looks between the three of them and the front door, before Finn comes with a, "Anyone wants cookies?" And goes towards the living room, awkwardly signaling for them to follow him. Probably a bit scared of what Lake might do next but still wanting his answers.

Lake slaps her hand on her face sighing and Jesse puts a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"You know we need to give him some answers now, right?" Jesse starts, "He knows too much, we can't leave without-"

Lake's Journey in the Prime World | Infinity Train: After Book 2 (beta version)Where stories live. Discover now