Shady Business - Part 2 of 3

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"Okay so this is my cousin Lake," Jesse starts presenting her, "She's staying here for-"

"Woah woah woah, wait." Finn gesticulates with his hands. "First you said she's your friend, now she's your cousin?"

Jesse stops, trying to recall if he ever referred to her as a friend, "I'm pretty sure I never called her a friend," Even though he wasn't sure.

"Not that she isn't!" He justified." She is! She's my friend, but also my cousin. My cousin friend! My 'cousend'! Or 'frousin'! Or erm-" Lake just slapped her face shaking her head and Jesse was pretty sure she was also rolling her eyes beneath the sunglasses. "Aaaaand... Imma stop talking."

Finn just looked at him quietly and continued his line of thought, ignoring what Jesse just babbled about. "And she needs fake documents made by a 15 year old."

Jesse nodded rapidly while Lake still had her hand on her face with lack of patience for all the unnecessary ruckus Jesse just pulled off.

Finn leans against the arm of his wheelchair "Dude, if you're sheltering a fugitive or something you don't need your to lie to me, I can keep a secret."

"I'm not a fugitive!" Lake yells leaning against the ebony boy. At least not anymore, and she was hoping to keep it that way.

"Okay..." Finn raises his eyebrows with the shock of how fast Lake justified.

"She is my cousin," Jesse stuck to the lie, "She's just having some... erm... problems with her... family," Jesse justified.

"Okay, okay, I believe you guys" He raises his hands in defeat and returns to the computer screen.

But it's no more than five seconds before he stops and adds, "But you know what would make me believe even more?" He sneaky turns to Lake's direction. "If I could just see a bit of her face then maybe-" Lake grabs his wrist while he was moving his hand towards her hood to uncover her head.

"Hands. Off." She coldly says as she shoves his hand.

Finn massages his wrist after retracing it from her personal space. "Man... someone's got a good grip, I see..."

"So, where were we?" Jesse tries to soften the situation.

Finn and Lake stop gazing at each other to respond to Jesse, "Residence." Finn replies.

"I'm currently staying at Jesse's."

"Obvious enough," Finn rolls his eyes, much for Lake's displeasure. "But I need to know where you came from. Your official address."

"Well... my parents are from," She wonders if she should say Tulip's residence, "Minnesota."

Finn raised an eyebrow and leaned against his wheelchair. "If you want to move freely here you should say Arizona. It would favor you in a lot of stuff."

He wasn't wrong. If she wanted to live her life in Arizona it would be easier if she had her residence here. Finn was actually helping them. But they didn't want to let him know that.

Lake and Jesse just gaze at each before nodding and answering, "Okay."

Finn types a few keys before continuing, "Age?"

"Thirteen." She answers.

Finn turns to her dramatically.

"What?" She asks.

"Nothing," He blinks, "You just look a bit older. You sure you don't want me to change your age? I can do that."

Lake wondered for a second. I mean, she could but she wanted to experience an authentic normal life of an authentic normal person. She detached from Tulip when she was thirteen, and that was just a few weeks ago, so it would be the most logical she kept that age.

Lake's Journey in the Prime World | Infinity Train: After Book 2 (beta version)Where stories live. Discover now