Chapter 3

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The next weeks went by slowly. I went to the library for lunch everyday. I sat in the back. Mr.Blue tried to talk to me two more times but I just walked to the bathroom every time. It was Monday and I was finishing my worksheet for S.S when the bell rang.

I was about to walk out the room when I heard Mr.Blue,
"Poppy can you please stay behind a moment please?" I did as I was told.

I walked back to my seat at the far end of the room. I sat, staring at my shoes. I felt him sit next to me.

"How have you been Poppy?" He began "I haven't talk to you in a while"

"Fine" I said quietly.
He sighed "Did I do something..?" he said, his voice a little shaky.
"No! No... you didn't do anything" I said, looking away.

"Can you please look at me" he said with a sigh.
I looked at him scratching the back of his neck. He smiled lightly.

"So um..." He started nervously "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to be my assistant during free period..." he asked nervously.

"Uh actually" I responded quietly "I'm busy... um, if that's all I'm gonna go"

I was about to stand up when I felt him grip on my shoulder lightly. "Please..."
I looked up to see desperate sadness on his flawless face.

"I'm sorry Mr.Blue..." We stared into each others eyes, he bit his lip. I stared back at him, confused.

I was about to ask him something, but lost the words forever when I felt him gently, but firmly kiss me on the lips. Tingles danced down my spine.
My eyes widened and I immediately pushed away. I heard his ragged breath as he pulled back. I looked up at him. He had something in his hands.

His phone.

He lifted it up to my face for me to see a picture of us kissing.
My throat went dry. I stepped back, tears threatened to pour out of my eyes. He saw my expression and freaked out.

"I'm so sorry..!" He panicked "I did it so you couldn't say no to being my helper..." He looked down, his blue eyes darkened, ashamed.
I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the room.

"Wait!" He shouted desperately.
I didn't look back.

I ran home, barely breathing. I dashed to the bathroom. I just lost my first kiss to my teacher. My teacher!

Tears rolled down my checks. I leaned against the counter. My future is ruined if that photo gets out. I've never been so lost in my life.

I looked into the mirror to see my puffy face, wet with tears. Ruined mascara shaded my eyes.

I yanked open the bathroom drawer, and rummage through to find silver razor blades. My hands were shaking as I ran the silver, unforgiving blade lightly on the side of my wrists.


Hey there it's Rosie This chapter was edited by my best friend radicalkeona she did a amazing job I'm so happy your reading my book update tomorrow bye (^ω^)

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