Chap.10 "She's gone"

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-The next day-

I get woken up by Aurora gasping and coughing for breath . Her hand is in her chest and her hair is a mess

"Aurora Aurora are you okay " I ask worriedly

"C-can't b-breath " her face is starting to turn pale

"Aurora Aurora !! Breath !"

"I-I c-CANT " she tries to say through
Her shallow breaths

"AURORA BREATH " I yell And sit her in her back

"C-can't " she said strained . Her face was turning black and blue and her eyes were slowly closing

" AURORA STAY AWAKE STAY AWAKE" I get my phone and call 911

"Please she's not breathing . Her face is turning blue and I can barely feel her pulse" at this point my whole body is shaking

"Please be okay baby . We just got you back" I plead

"I need a stretcher " god damnit it this is happening again . I can't take this twice.

"One of epi "

"She's crashing"

"2 of epi"


"Alright defibrillator "

"charge to 100 "


No pulse

"Charge to 200"



"Charge to 400"


"We have a pulse "

I unclench my hands and release a breath I didn't know I was holding .

"S-so she's okay now right "

"There's no telling what could happen but as of right now yes she okay "

I look over at her body . She looked exhausted.


"Hey" I feel Aurora tap of my fingers

" your awake " I whisper smiling

"I'm awake" she gives me a tired smile

"Kiss" she puckers her cute lips . I chuckle and look down giving her a kiss

"Thank you" she says satisfied . The doctor comes in and check her heart beat and god knows what else

"Hey kid how you feeling "  the doctor asks

"I feel fine " she clearly didn't but of course she's gonna say she is

"Okay if you say so"

"Can I see you outside" the doctor asks me.

" Uh sure" I say confused we both walk out and he closes the door behind is

"So I didn't want to make her nervous but there is a probability that of her heart rate gets to high she will have a-"

He gets cut off by a very loud bang from the room we Rush in and I was not prepared for what I was about to see.

"SHES SEIZING HIT THE BLUE BUTTON" I hurt over to the big blue button right when I push it 6 doctors come rushing in.



"Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to wait here . She's had a epileptic seizure. Her heart rate got up to high we have to take her into immediate surgery " he stated in a hurry . I just nodded not know what else to do

They took her into surgery 4 hours ago and there still not out yet I'm loosing my mind

Damnit I just want to hold her .

"Sir" the the doctor comes out with a frown on his face

"The-the seizure made her heart rate go up to high her body went into shock . We tried to slow down the pulse but we-we couldn't . I'm sorry son .she's gone " I look at him Shock . No no I that can't be right I didn't even get to thank her for anything . I didn't get to tell her I loved her .

She can't be gone

She's my baby.

She can't be gone .

Please . A tears fall from my eyes

My baby .

Gone .

Forever .

I gasp sitting up from the bed tears falling from my eyes and sweating . I look over at Aurora who's peacefully sleeping . Thank god it was just a nightmare

My baby's okay.




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