Chap.36"Their messing up the carpet"

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After we are done eating we walk out of there as nothing happened. I just want to relax for the next few days. so much has happened.

We all get Into the car and drive home. Once we're home I get into some comfortable clothes and go back downstairs we're Xavier and Carson are.

I walk over and Xavier opens his arms while talking to Carson and I sit on his lap and lay on his shoulder.

I think I like cuddling. Just a bit though.

Xavier stops and kisses my cheek. I smile a little and give him neck a soft kiss.

"I love you" I whisper.

"I love you baby" he whispers back.

I snuggle into his neck and close my eyes falling asleep.


I start to hear faint voices.

"What movie should we watch?" A familiar voice says.

"I don't know what do you want to watch." Another familiar voice says.

"Why the fuck do you think I asked you idiot" I make our chases voice.

I slowly get up from my comfy spot on Xavier.

"Well hello, sleeping beauty," Xavier says and moves my hair out of my face.

"Mornin feisty" Carson says. It's not even morning.

"Hey aurora," Aiden says.

"You sleep like a rock" chase responds. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Do you want to watch anything baby?" Xavier whispers to me and I shake my head that's now back on his shoulder.

"You still sleepy?" He asks and I nod.

"Okay," he says breathily and takes a blanket wrapping it around me.

"Go back to sleep baby I'll be here" he whispers and I'm already on the verge of falling asleep.


-Xavier's POV-

We are all sitting watch whatever movie this is. I'm rubbing Auroras back keeping her asleep. I don't understand how somebody can be a heavy sleeper and a light sleeper at the same time.

Suddenly the door bursts open and once again the three men that tried to rape my baby are here. We all take out our Guns and I make sure Auroras still asleep knowing she wouldn't like to see them again.

"Hand her over and we go," they say. They need to get it through their heads that she's not going fucking anywhere.

"Fuck off get out of here. You're outnumbered anyways " I state sternly.

"We Can just kill her now," dick face says. I can't remember their names but he has a dick-shaped face. Dick's face. Perfect right.

Immediately Carson Aiden and Chase spring up and guard her on my lap pointing their guns at him.

"Get out or we Can drag you out," Aiden says.

"No can do"

"I don't have the patients for this," Carson says and shoots all three of them in the leg.

He's just as protective of her as me.

Aurora jerks awake from the loud noise so I keep her head down.

"Shh it's alright just keep your head down okay baby" I whisper to her hoping that she would listen and thankfully she does.

"Get them out of here their messing up the carpets," I state looking at the now red carpet.

Suddenly three bullets come through the window.

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