Chap.60"let me tell you a story

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~ many years later~
Well, I'm alive. Carson had his happy ending keeping his promise to aurora and telling his feelings. I'm happy for him; he deserved this after everything he's been through he is now married and has a kid his name is Alex, and he's now In college.. Aiden ended up being with aerial they don't have a kid yet but there engaged. And chase ended up being with someone named brooke who is currently pregnant. Alex and I have a great bond and I'm obviously the cool, fun uncle.

Aurora's death crushed Carson. For a while, we would fight a lot or blame each other. But we just needed someone else to blame others than ourselves.

As for me, well, I'm. Not okay. Auroras birthday is coming up, so I haven't been in the best of my moods. I miss her so much I can't put it into words. Over the years has really been my own hell. I've gone to her grave every day over the years, and every day there's always a red butterfly that comes flying around.

I've, of course, never broke my promise. I've never even looked at another girl since then. I've also never recovered since then. I still have nightmares to this day. They're terrible, to the point where Carson will stay over some nights because I'll keep screaming.

I won't lie; I've tried to meet Aurora a few times over the years. Sadly I've recovered from all of the attempts. I knew that what I did wouldn't kill me. Obviously, every time I try, I end up thinking of aurora and how disappointed she would be with me. I swear her little speeches that leave me like a scolded child still haunt me.

It may sound like I'm doing alright to other people, but I'm not. At all. I hear her screams constantly, and the voice of hers telling me that she was hurting won't leave my head. I couldn't do anything about it.

I don't know how much longer I'll be able to do this. I've held out for as long as I could, but she was my other half. She was everything I ever wanted. How can I be expected to live without her?

I still live in Aurora's house. Some might say that I should move on or staying here 'isn't healthy. I can't tell you how many times I've heard that sentence. I'm getting old, and I have never once thought about moving on. She has my heart always and forever.

I sit on the bed holding Auroras favorite ring. It was adorable when she would fidget with it because she was nervous. Now I do the same.

It took me a long time to figure out I was never going to really be okay. How could I? The one thing that kept me sane was her. She made everything okay. She protected me from everything when it should have been the other way around.

I promised her I wouldn't, but of course, I blame myself for everything. How could I not? She was my everything. I should have known something was wrong.

I missed when she used to kiss my chest because she was too short and couldn't reach my lips. I forgot when she rolled right on top of me when she was asleep because that's how she felt safe. I miss when she would reach for my hand when she was scared or when she would draw shapes with her finger on my hand because it slowed her anxiety.

The list goes on. I miss it all, even the fighting I miss being able to argue with her even though we rarely did. I took that for granted. She had no flaws. She was stubborn yet sensitive, but I loved every second of it.

I try to look at the bright side, but it all hurts the same. I can't explain how it feels. Numb. Just not being able to handle it. Nothing makes me happy anymore. I stay up all night because I'm afraid to fall asleep and be reminded that I'm the cause of the love of my life's death.

My thoughts are cut off when Alex comes into the room. He has a break from college, and he decided to go back home for a week.

"Can you take me to go get some food? I don't have my car with me. There's nothing good here, and mom said to ask dad and dad said to ask mom, and I'm pissed off," he says, groaning making me laugh.

I do consider him as my kid. I always wanted a kid, but I wanted a kid with aurora. I couldn't imagine being with someone else. No one can top perfection. She was perfection.

"I'll be down in a second little man."

"I'm in college. I'm not little. You're just old."

"Alright, little man," I say, chuckling, making him groan, slamming the door in annoyance. I throw on some clean sweat pants and a t-shirt and, of course putting on my ring walking downstairs.

"You ready?" I ask, and he nods; I grab my keys, and we go off to get some food. We decide on McDonald's and go to the drive-through. I go back home and sit outside on the rooftop. I smile at all the memories we had up here. I hear someone coming up and furrow my eyebrows; no one really comes up here besides Carson sometimes, and he's not even here. I relax once I see it's just Alex.

"What are you doing up here, zay?" He says Xavier is too long, so he calls me zay.

"Enjoying the view," I say, and he stands next to me

"Aurora would love this," I whisper, but he heard me.

"Who's aurora? You're getting old, gramps," he says, making me laugh.

"Come here, boy, let me tell you a story."


One more chapter, lovelies.

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