Chap.61"My protector"

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I can't do this. I can't. I've lived in misery for too long. I need to be happy again. I need her touch. I need to hold her again. I just need her.

I did my part. I made sure Carson was alright. He has a wife and a kid. He's living a great life, and I couldn't be more proud.

But now I need my happy ending.

I put the gun to my head as I did thirty years ago. I release a sigh, but this time of relief instead of pain.

Once again, a red butterfly comes flying it.

"I'm sorry, Aurora. But that won't work this time. I can't live like this anymore. I'm not dead, and I might as well be. I can't be in pain anymore" the butterfly comes and rests on my nose, and I tilt my head back.

"I'll see you soon, my love," I say, and the butterfly fly out the window, slowly fading away.

"I'll see you soon" were my last words.


I feel myself start to wake up and look around the room. The room I remember like the back of my hand. I have no idea what this is or how I get here, but all I know is she's here, and I'm supposed to be with her.

"Aurora?" I call out.

"Aurora!" I yell.

"Xavier," I turn around. There she is. The face I've been waiting to see for decades. She still looks like the prettiest woman I've ever seen. The sight of her made me feel alive again.

"You have more time, Xavier; there's still a chance" I ignore and run up to her holding her in a hug I've been waiting for thirty years.

"Oh, my baby. I've missed you too," she whispers

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I didn't protect you as I should have, and I'm sorry that I didn't notice something was off. I'm so sorry," I sob, holding her tightly, so she doesn't fade away. Again. But she pulls me out of the hug and grabs my face smashing her lips with mine. I bring my hand up to her cheek and pull her closer, deepening the kiss. She pulls away but still keeps our lips inches apart. A kiss I've been waiting for thirty years.

"You were always my protector," she whispers out of breath.

Her touch was like a drug. Except. I needed it to feel alive again. A touch I've been waiting for thirty years

"As beautiful as ever," I whisper; inches away from her face, she jumps up and wraps herself around my waist.

"You haven't changed a bit," I smile, bringing her back in a kiss.

"Never," she whispers.

"I missed your pretty smile," she utters breathlessly, breaking out a kiss.

"I missed yours more."

I used to feel that love was a game. If so, then I definitely won.

And for the first time in thirty years, I was home.

"My protector"

( if your confused this is almost like the 'afterlife')
Well, my darlings, it's over. Partners in crime have come to an end. I'm so thankful for each, and every one of you, and I hope you'll stay to see my next creations. Until next time lovelies ❤️✌️.

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