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Aurora has been asleep for about two hours now . I haven't moved and I need to use the damn bathroom.

I slowly and carefully pick her up and lean her back on the couch I grab a blanket and wrap it around her carefully before going to the bathroom.

I do my business before going back out to see aurora cuddling a pillow. I chuckle a bit and lay down next to her. She slowly opens her eyes and makes contact with mine. A small tired smile reaches her lips. I put a hair behind her ear and kiss her lips.

"Hi princess" I whisper softly

"Hi"she says in a soft tired voice.

"How ya feelin?"i ask concerned.

"Sore"she whispers.

"Im sorry my baby" i whisper and rub her cheek with my thumb.

"Do you want to watch something?" I ask her and she nods in agreement.

"Grey's anatomy?" I question and she nods again. I put on the show and sometime in the middle she climbs right ontop of me.I chuckle a bit as she plops down like nothing.

This girl says she's a doctor because she's watched all seventeen seasons of it . She walks around saying weird things like 'push one of epi' or 'clamp' or 'I need a head ct stat'

(Im a doctor. I'm a minor that doesn't have a job but I'm a doctor-author)

After two episodes she is softly snoring in my ear and I feel her cute little breaths on my neck.

Chase Carson and Aiden come in quietly . I see aidens eyes harden and he nudged chase. I look to where they are looking and see her sweatshirt rode up a bit showing off the biggest bruise ever.

"She said that they tried to get her to tell all of my information and she wouldn't so they did this" I whisper while rubbing her head.

Carson looks like he has steam coming out of his ears aiden looks ready to chop a head off and chases fist are practically white from clenching them to hard.

"I'm gonna kill them" aiden storms out of the house with chase. I'm furious yes of course. But I'm more worried about her right now and I'm sure they will do much damage.

Carson sits down looking like he's planning a murder which he probably is.

I feel Aurora stir and start to wake up. She wasn't asleep for long.

"M-mm" she whimpers as she starts to wake up.

"Who just left?" She whispers.

"Aiden and chase" I whisper back.

"They came here?" She questions and I nod.

"Your pretty"she whispers causing me to chuckle.

"Thank you baby"

"Are you hungry?"I ask her and she shrugs.

I pick her up and bring her to the fridge . She picks out a chobani yogurt. I take it out of the fridge while she hangs onto me like a koala . I flip all of the nuts and chocolates and mix it around.

I walk back over to the couch and flip her around so her back is on my chest and she's on my lap.

I give her the yogurt and she squeals and wiggles around.

She's going to give me a. Let me not.


"Mhm!" She says happily. I guess all she needed was cuddles and a nap.

I didn't notice until now that Carson was laying upside down with his head laying on the top part of the coach. Jesus.

"I don't feel good" she says leaning back. She was just fine. I swear she's sick 99.999 percent of the time.

"What's wrong?" I question.

"I just need to use the bathroom" she says getting up.

About 15 minutes later I start to get worried and knock on the door.

No response.

I barge through the door and see aurora in the floor holding her tummy.

"Baby what happened" I say picking her up and she whimpers.

"Cramps" she whispers out in pain.

Let's go lay down okay?" I ask and she slowly nods. I take her to the couch.

I lay her down and grab an Ibuprofen and some chocolate. I bring it over and give her the water and ibuprofen. I lay down next to her and kiss her forehead she immediately climbs on me and plops down. I laugh at her adorable actions and rub her head as she eats her chocolate.

Aurora ends up falling asleep before me as usual and suddenly I hear a loud crash from the front door.

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