Villain Interlude 1 The Fallen King

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In an abandoned car factory, near the Juban Docks..

Kunzite was standing by an aged dirty window, as he was waiting for someone. The salty air filled his nostrils as he could hear the horns of ships in the distance, the glowing sun of midday put him at ease. He then began to murmur to himself as he sighed.

"Brothers... I feel like a man running out of time, Nepthrite is dead... Jedite and Zoisite I can still save, I just got to grab the Silver Crystal that Sailor Moon has and kill Beryl. Then free Prince Endymion from his brainwashing should Beryl's death not be enough, and hopefully... Find a way to bring back Nepthrite." He said to himself, he then began to remember how he ended up in this situation.

It all started back on The Earth Kingdom era, he was taking a gentle stroll through a quiet garden.

"Jadeite? Zoisite? Nepthrite? Where are you my brothers? For King Edymon requests our presence at once." Kunzite called out as he looked for his fellow soldiers, he was all alone in the garden... Or so he thought. He then heard the clopping of high heels as Beryl stood behind him, with an evil sinister glee on her face.

"Your men are under my control, and if you don't do exactly what I tell you. I'll have them killed." Beryl said as she kept her staff on her, Kunzite glared daggers at her as he kept his cool. She had him under her finger and there was nothing he could do about it, Beryl gently walked towards him as she snapped her fingers as Kunzite's fellow knights then appeared before them.

"What do you want...?" Kunzite asked as he knelt before her, Beryl gave a dirty treacherous smile as she gave him his orders.

"You are to meet up with the other knights and launch an attack on The Moon Kingdom, kill Queen Serenity and her daughter too. Along with any senshi that stands in your way." Beryl said, before cackling loudly as she put her plan into action.

"Boss? Are you feeling alright?" A voice asked as he snapped back to reality, he then saw a bare chested man in camo pants stand there as he handed Kunzite a cut of the money he stole.

"Yes, I'm fine. Good work out there, this money shall allow me to gather more minions. You are dismissed for the day." Kunzite said as he began to count up the money, the man walked away as Beryl contacted him through telepathy.

"Kunzite, I have an assignment for you. The senshi have a rookie in their ranks. Another agent captured and brainwashed will even the odds, you will comply won't you?" Beryl said, giving him his diabolical orders.

"It will be done, is it this Sailor Vixen I have been hearing about?" Kunzite asked, making sure he was right about his target.

"Yes, Sailor Vixen. Bring her to me, as I believe Mamoru isn't enough to destroy those senshi vermin." Beryl replied as she hung up on him telepathically, Kunzite thought for a while. Trying to think of a plan to capture Sailor Vixen, it wasn't going to be easy as she was constantly with the other senshi.

"I'm going to need to research this Sailor Vixen, before I formulate a plan. Then go from there. Hang on Zoisite and Jedite, I'll do whatever I can to save you. Even if I have to work for the devil for our freedom." Kunzite said as he sighed, he then left the warehouse to complete his mission.

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