Chapter 11. Queenslayer

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Katsumi sprinted out of the building like a rabbit fleeing from a wolf, as Kunzite reverted to his usual form by the time Katsumi ran out.

"Sis! Slow down! Ya gonna break your ankles in those heels dumbass" San exclaimed as he was shocked by how fast Katsumi came out of the arcade, she was panicking and she rapidly sprinted towards her motorcycle like a cheetah. 

"The others are in danger! We have to go right now!" Katsumi yelled as she got on her motorcycle, and made it roar to life like a furious dragon awoken from its slumber.  She would drive off at high speed as she knew her friends were in danger, Kunzite sighed as he pulled out his car keys and began to run to his car as San followed behind him.  

"It would have been awkward to fit the both of you into my car anyway, let's move!' Kunzite yelled as he ran towards a dark blue Nissan R390 GT1 supercar, he opened the doors and drove off at blazing speed. Trying to keep up with Katsumi’s blazing fast motorcycle.

At a park within the center of the city, Katsumi approached a rock and bellowed a command word.



The rock twisted and turned, as a hidden door opened as a feminine machine voice chimed out. 

"Welcome, Miss Mikasa." The voice spoke, Kunzite was taken aback by what he just saw; it seems like there's more to The Vuplekin than the initial iceberg lets on. 

As they descended down the heavy metal steps, dimly lit by neon blue lights. They came to a small room filled with an arsenal of weapons to arm a 20 men unit, Katsumi picked up a Vuplekin energy rifle as San picked up a energy revolver.

"Such a massive arsenal, I would ask why but we are in a rush." Kunzite said in wonder as  he saw a lot of weapons and equipment that was way ahead of Japan's Military Standards. 

"We keep these weapons and armor caches if we get invaded, or if a hunter needs to resupply. Now let's go!' Katsumi explained as she ran with San and Kunzite to their vehicles, then took off in a two car convoy towards a hidden entrance to The Dark Kingdom. 

They eventually came to  the wedding shop, Katsumi transformed into Sailor Vixen and clutched her rifle tightly as they entered the abandoned shop. In the shop were manikins of brides in different dresses, some of them were in different poses and Vixen with her artist background, recognized that some of the manikins were in poses of fear and terror. 

"Kunzite, why are these people like this?" Vixen asked as she looked around the  derelict building, Kunzite punched in a code as he struggled to look her in the eye as he began to relive the atrocities he commited. 

"Vixen, my dear…  When you're under blackmail, sometimes you're forced to do  terrible things. These people were to be batteries of energy to revive Metaila, Beryl's master. But I made decoys by making manikins filled with my own life energy, to spare these people.  One day I'll free them, I promise." Kunzite said as he tried his best to hold back the tears in his eyes, Inari felt something within her burn like a destructive volcano. She looked at him and placed a hand on his shoulder firmly.

"Tonight.  That bitch is going to pay. Mark my words." Vixen said with a solemn tone, the 3 of them ran down the cold lonely hallway.


As they came into a grand, colossal throne room. They saw Sailor Venus fighting off Beryl using her powerful senshi abilities,  Vixen  charged towards them with her rifle and bellowed a Vuplekin war cry. She fired an almighty 3 round burst.

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