This heart of mine is a stubborn asshole,
It listens to just itself,
They called it immature, but it never once cared for "THEY'',
It roars when it wants to and sleeps on the promises when it wants to,
Quarrels with the mind that the night is the day and blood is not a big deal,
Shouts from the top of its lungs into thin air that fate can go fuck itself,
It smiles when it wants to cry,
Eats all the pain in the name of hunger,
What a gigantic pain in the ass,
Has anger issues and takes it out on words, sadist son of a bitch,
I understand that it doesn't want to give up, neither do I,
So I let be stubborn all it wants because later may come the unwanted bonds then being headstrong will just make it worse,
No pep talk or therapist can make it better, neither it can afford them,
All it says that it's being ambitious and wants to make it big and you all are just being discouraging, that's why its self motivating itself and which makes it look like a bitch,
For the matter of fact, I know that its scared shitless of shadows but acts all cool in front of them, I can't help but admire,
Talks with the loneliness, calls it the best companion,
They called it names, saying its retarded, A weirdo,
But it never once cared for ''THEY'',
It has done what it wants, always,
What stubborn it is...
H E A L and B L O O M
PoetryIt is a collection of what I feel and felt or call it a mad rant, I hope you all can sympathize with them one way or another. Writing keeps me sane.