Chapter 24: So Bright

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"Smile," I ordered.

Surprisingly, Damon obliged, dimples–and yes, the future mob boss actually had dimples on the rare occasions he smiled–on bright display. The click of the Polaroid blinded us both momentarily and I giggled as I waited for it to develop.

"I don't know why you don't just use a phone," Damon said. "You know, like normal girls your age."

"Sentiment. By the way, you have a really uncomfortable back," I complained. "It's hard as hell." Did men work out their backs? The fuck?

"I swear to God, little diva, I will drop you on your ass," he groaned.

"No, you won't. I'm injured."

Ariadne was back for Thanksgiving and promptly dragged the six of us out for a hike. The sole reason I agreed was because there was a waterfall at the end of it and we were going to be able to swim in the cool pond. Unfortunately for me, my workout routine was just a daily thirty-minute abs and ass YouTube routine I did in the comfort of my room. Which meant two miles into this hike, I'd twisted my ankle and was making Damon carry me for the final mile.

Damon grumbled something inaudible, and I tightened my arm around his throat playfully.

"What was that?" I asked sweetly.

"If your brother wasn't here, I'd have ditched you a long time ago, you know that?"

"I heard that," Christian said in front of us. Somehow, he was still on his phone, hardly looking where he was going, but his reflexes were fast as lightning when Robyn almost slipped, catching her by the waist. She, Ariadne, and Francis walked in front of him, all talking animatedly, but Francis flicked some kind of disapproving look to Christian when that happened.

"Hm, Ariadne wouldn't think very highly of you then, Damon." I literally felt those back muscles tense up and laughed, patting his shoulder, admiring the ink on his skin that lived there. Hm. Tattoos.

"Bella..." he warned.

I ruffled his hair. "Put me down. I don't wanna hurt you."

Damon scoffed. "You're light as a feather."

"I can hear the water. We're almost there."

He paused, sighed, and then let me down. "You sure?"

I nodded, swiveling around to grab my water bottle from my backpack. "You go on. Maybe my sister needs some rescuing too."

He grimaced, pushed my face playfully, and walked away. As I hobbled forward, Francis bent over to tie his already perfectly tied shoe.

Smiling, I stilled by him, letting everyone else walk a couple steps ahead of us. When he straightened, a slow smile spread across his face.

"Isabella Marie," he purred.

"Francis Laurent," I smiled back.

"How's your leg?"

"It's not too bad," I nodded and Damon whistled for us to hurry up. Rolling my eyes, I strode in front of Francis but immediately slipped when my chest brushed his on the narrow path. Grabbing my waist with both hands, Francis steadied me and I exhaled a breath of relief and pain before resting my back on his chest. "Or maybe not."

"Easy, baby," he chuckled against my shoulder, kissing it gently.

"Someone could see us," I whispered.

"I don't give a fuck," he growled and tightened his arms around my waist.

A low hum of approval escaped me as he kissed a line down my neck, momentarily making me forget that my entire family was a couple feet ahead and we were very much in public. But some part of me loved that he was willing to risk it all. Crazy enough to endure the judgement and wrath of my brother if he ever found out.

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