Chapter 26: Cocoa

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Bella: What are you doing?

I couldn't even stop it–the stupid smile made its way to my face.

Francis: With your brother and Damon.

Bella: Do you want to get hot chocolate with me at Union Square?

Bella and I were regular texters now. She loved texting me what seemed like every thought that passed through that pretty little head of hers and I loved hearing them all. It gave me insight into her mind and every single new thing I learned was somehow more fascinating than the last.

We didn't usually hang out in public, so her request threw me a little off-guard.

Francis: Trying to melt my cold heart?

Bella: So you admit you have one?

That made me laugh.

"The fuck are you so happy about?" Damon eyed me.

"Nothing," I shrugged, hiding a smile.

"Can you keep that shit to yourself? Some of us are trying to eat here," Christian growled, throwing his half-eaten sandwich on his plate.

"Happiness is my default position," I deadpanned.

"Sure, and I'm on the Supreme Court," Damon nodded thoughtfully.

"You two are old and jaded," I said, standing up and shrugging my jacket on. They were only six years older than me but somehow, they treated me the same as them. Never once acted like I was beneath them–other than the constant threats they ladled out about their sisters. But even then, I think they knew I would never hurt any of their beloved siblings.

"We're 23," Christian deadpanned.

"Ancient," I tsked. "I, on the other hand, am young and full of mirth."

"Where are you going?" Christian frowned.

"Out. Got plans," I told him vaguely. Telling him I was meeting Bella was a hard no.

"With whom?" Damon questioned.

"We are literally your only friends," Christian added kindly.

"Untrue. I have my teammates."

"Are you hanging out with them, then?"

I didn't answer.

Damon scanned my face before realization set in. Then, he let loose a devilish smirk.

"Leave him be," Damon grinned. "He's got a date."

Christian's eyes widened in surprise. Damon never dated and Christian went on dates solely to satiate his sister's desperate requests to stop being a world-class man-whore. Damon had his heart set on one girl and Christian liked sinful things way too much to let monogamy get in the way.

Before I could be accosted by the swarm of questions that were going to be hurled at me, I headed out the doors and straight to my car, shooting Bella a text that I'd pick her up in 10.

The girl bounced out of her apartment, looking like a goddamn vision in skinny jeans, fuzzy socks, boots, and a brown turtleneck. On top, she wore a cream lambswool coat that probably cost more than my entire car with matching cream gloves. I almost would have panicked at the lack of pink until I saw the pink beanie she had on her perfectly styled blonde curls. There were, of course, her perfectly pink cheeks.

New York winters had never suited anyone as well as they did Bella Ryder. Truthfully, she'd look perfect in any season, any city, wearing anything.

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