1. why do you bother me?

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"...AND Y/N, IT APPEARS YOU are the only person left. are you fine working on this project alone or do you want to work in a team of three?" mrs. johnson asked me after picking project partners randomly from our cup of popscile sticks. it took no time for me to answer that question; i don't like to socialize with people and would rather do things my way. that's how i know right.

"yeah, i'm fine working by myself."

"great," she smiled before suddenly someone rushed into the classroom, a backpack slung over his shoulder as he tried to rush to his seat unnoticed. what a dumbass.

"where's your late pass finn?" mrs. johnson asked sternly. he gave her a guilty smile as to say, 'i didn't bother to get one, somehow i thought i could waltz into class thirty minutes late and no one would notice me. i'm sorry.'

"i forgot to get one miss. i'm sorry," he pleaded. mrs. johnson just sucked her teeth and looked away. 

"i'll let you slide this one time, but next time i won't hesitate to send you to the office. you hear me?"

finn smiled. "yeah i got it."

"mhm, go sit in the back, y/n is your partner now, okay?"

i mentally rolled my eyes. i hated partner and group work but i couldn't imagine how i was supposed to deal with the finn wolfhard. all eyes were on him as he walked down the aisle, coming to sit next to me while i just looked down at my paper.

i knew some girls were envious of me for the mere reason i was assigned to work with finn, which is absolutely ridiculous because i had no control over that. you see? that's why i don't associate with these people. they make no sense.

"hey love," finn whispered in my ear slyly. i scoffed and scooted my chair away from him.

"give me space, bro. i am not one of these air-headed little girls you're used to swooning over you," i snapped bluntly. "unlike them i have plans, and none of them involve me being head over heels for you. so please, don't try it and i'll easily get this project finished with an A."

he chuckled, throwing his hands up in the air in defense. "woah, slow down girl. i'm not trying to flirt with you, i'm just being polite! and who says i don't wanna do this project?"

my lips formed a straight line. "if you're not gonna give effort-"

"who says i wasn't though?" he cut me off. "i've had my eyes on you for a while, little miss thing, and i can tell you judge everyone based off their perspective on the world, just because it isn't as straight-forward and realistic like yours. well guess what? i'm actually a 4.0 student and have been for two years, but you probably don't know that because you're too busy assuming i'm a 'fuck-boy' jock who doesn't care about anything because almost every girl is attracted to me. don't blame me though, blame the beauty standards, love."

i sat there dumbfounded. i could tell by the serious look in his eyes that he meant everything he said, and he really said it like he meant it. i twisted my face and i thought about what to say, but truth is there way nothing i could say at all. he might've been right.

"well," i cleared my throat, ignoring everything he had said. "we can first list the political, economical, social, environmental, and cultural factors of industrialization. then we move on to the pros and cons and come to a conclusion from there."

he smiled at me like he hadn't even put me in check before. "i like how your mind works love."

"are you gonna keep calling me love?" i asked, annoyed. he smirked.

"no, i love calling you love, love."

i scoffed. "well we're never going to be in love."

"i wouldn't bet on that," he shrugged before quickly changing the subject after. "anyways, political effects due to industrialization..."

"i heard from lizzie you got partnered with finn for ap world. how's that for you?" one of my best-friends, millie asked me. millie was the hopeless romantic of our friend group, so i had to lie in order not to egg her on.

i shrugged coolly. "he's okay i guess. just really annoying."

"ahhh, and there's when she lies," sadie laughed, millie joining in after. i couldn't help but to crack a smile too. my besties really did know me, sometimes better than i knew myself.

"well, he gives me this weird flirty vibe," i admit honestly. "like he keeps calling me love, and for what? i do not like him."

"and she lies again," millie laughed, shaking her head. "you've had a crush on finn since when? like second grade!"

"yeah you just don't want to admit it because he's not your 'type' but we all know something about him lights your fire," sadie added, playfully nudging my arm after.

"girl, light my fire? please he-"

"hey love, i've been looking for you everywhere," finn said behind me, instantly startling my friends and i since none of us saw him. 

"why?" i asked, irritated. it's enough that i have to deal with him during my favorite class, but at lunch too? i was not having it.

"because i need your number for our project," he replied swiftly. "and don't say i can use your email, we both know nobody checks that shit."

i sighed in defeat. how was he easily able to win me over like that?

"fine!" i said before quickly scribbling my digits on a piece of paper. "please don't call or facetime me without asking first. we are not friends."

he chuckled. "well, aren't you something y/n?"

"wow! you're calling me by my name now?" i gasped, putting my hand to my chest saracastically.

"don't get your hopes up love," he replied with that smug smile of his, right before strolling off like he'd never stopped by my table in the first place.

"wow," sadie breathed. "he really does like you!"

"exactly!" millie exclaimed after.

"yeah, yeah, whatever. he can get whichever girl he wants in this school, and i doubt he wants me," i said, quickly dismissing them. "anyways, we're still on for tomorrow night, right?"

"yeah, only if finn doesn't interrupt our plan," millie joked. sadie laughed as i rolled my eyes at the two.

"he's not interrupting shit. trust."


author speaks!!
yo tysm for sm support
on this book already, i'm
so excited for this book 
and that's how ik i'll
be committed to writing 

as you can see y/n has this
kind of stuck-up personality
but that'll be addressed 

anyways, i'll be updating 
every mon, wed, and fri, 
most likely at nighttime 
(pacific time tho) but if 
i happen to write more
chapters at once, i'll 
publish 2 chapters or 
publish early :)))

𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐃𝐎 𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐋𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now