6. why did i misjudge you?

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THE DRIVE BACK HOME seemed so miserable and cold, there was nothing enough to distract me from the upset feeling i felt after what happened at the drive-in theater. 

finn hadn't said anything to me after he got into the car, and i hadn't said anything either in fear of making him angry again. i ping of guilt was heavy on my chest as i thought about how wrong and ignorant i was toward finn all this time. i couldn't see how much of a good guy finn was because i was too focused on the bad.

although the tension was thick, i still decided to apologize. i cleared my throat lowly before speaking.

"i-i'm sorry about tonight finn. i know you planned this all for us to get to know each other but the truth is i didn't feel like it was worth my time because i assumed i knew everything about you. i see i was wrong and for that i am sorry. really."

he stayed silent for awhile before saying, "i really like you y/n. i don't know why, but you have something that draws me to you. it just hurts me that you think i'm a bad person when you've never given me a chance to show myself."

"well, how about we start this all over?" i offered, turning my head in his direction. "this time i'll plan the date and it can be fair. i'll let you talk to me more and we can determine where we go from there."

i saw him smile a little, but his eyes still showed he was sad about earlier. 

"yeah, that's cool."

"cool," i smiled.


"you can drop me off sadie's house, i'm staying over tonight," i explained as he pulled off the freeway. he nodded and proceeded to drive. "12th street, right?"

"yeah," i confirmed.

it was silent up until he pulled up to the front of the house, where sadie was already waiting for me while in her pajamas. finn waved at her in which she waved back happily, i knew that she was looking forward to hearing the details of our date but there had not been any.

"thanks for tonight," i said lowly, grabbing my backpack and getting out of the car. "see you at first period."

"see you," he replied before bluntly driving off. i sighed as i walked over to sadie, the feeling of guilt still plundering in my stomach as i tried to ignore them. even though i had apologized, i hadn't forgave myself.

"how did it go?" sadie asked me with a big smile on her face. 

i shrugged. "i ruined it."

"awe," she said, her smile turning into a frown immediately. "well i know you're tired so we should go to sleep. you can fill me and millie in tomorrow, okay?"



"there was really no reason for him to be mad at you," millie scoffed. "it's not your fault he never thought to clear up those rumors about himself! they're probably true anyway, don't let him gaslight you." 

"i was team y/s/n too until you said that," sadie added. "did he seriously leave you on top of his car for three hours? that's low even for him."

i shrugged. " i feel bad anyway. maybe i did misjudge him."

our conversation ended when the bell rang for us to go to our first period, which caused us three to stand up, prepared to go to our different classes. 

"you're going to be okay, right?" millie asked with concern. i smiled to signal that i would be okay, even though i felt uneasy seeing finn after yesterday, even if i did apologize.

"let's meet at the student store at break," i said before we all went our separate ways. 

my class wasn't too far from the cafeteria, so arriving there would be a short walk but i really hoped i'd get to class before or after finn was there. i couldn't face the awkward tension going into the classroom at the same time. for the most part however, i kept my head low until getting to class, which thankfully i never encountered finn along the way.

when the second bell rang, finn was just sitting in his seat, his eyes looking away from me as the tension crept up between the two of us. we both looked straight ahead at the teacher who was beginning to give class instructions.

"i hope you guys all had a good day off yesterday," she started off. "but as usual, we will be working with our partners to get ready for the project. use your time wisely and if you have questions just raise your hand."

i sighed before looking over to finn, who had his eyes directly on the paper. i could tell he saw me looking at him but he chose to ignore me anyway. i didn't blame him. but i woudn't allow our failure of a date cause  me to fail the class too.

"i just want to apologize for last night," i spoke up, earning finn's immediate attention. "i know you're a good person, i really do, but i just need some time before i really trust you, you know? i don't want to get hurt or anything."

finn managed to form a sad smile before nodding his head. "yeah, i get it. don't worry about it."

"so the deal's still on?"

"only if you come to my game tomorrow," he smirked. 

i rolled my eyes playfully. "whatever. you better pay for my ticket though."

"all tickets are on me baby."

"don't call me baby!"

words: 938

AUTHOR SPEAKS: hey y'all, i wanted to say that my time here on wattpad will probably be short-lived but i'm still working to complete my books by june. i won't be replying to my inboxes or message boards as often, but if you have discord/tiktok i can give you mine. i probably won't leave forever because this is my place to cope and like some days, today was kind of a bad day (not really, but my parents made me upset). anyways, i hope you guys are all well even though this chapter was shit :( my bad.

𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐃𝐎 𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐋𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now