4. why do you like me?

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"Y/N, WAKE UP!" millie yelled in my face while shaking me from the shoulders. "your mom just made breakfast!"

i sighed heavily before forcing myself to sit up, only to be aggressively pulled by mille to get out of bed. i yanked my arm back in annoyance. i didn't like to be woken up so abruptly and in such an annoying manner, by my best friend or not.

"just go and tell my mom i'll be down in like ten minutes," i mumbled tiredly, shooing her face away. millie rolled her eyes then laughed afterwards.

"alright but i won't hesitate to eat your pancakes if you don't hurry!" she teased before leaving the room. sadie wasn't present so i figured she was helping my mom in the kitchen.

it didn't take too long before i began to think about last night when finn texted me. i checked the messages to see if they were real, and was about happy when i found out they were. i almost smiled at his messages, but i had to remind myself that i would not fall in his trap that he calls a "dare".

somehow though, the excitement from those texts gave me enough energy to physically get up and brush my teeth, face my face, then go downstairs to eat breakfast with my friends and mother. i felt a change coming, a good change that would somehow positively affect my life in the future.


"cat noir is so hot," millie said before stuffing a pancake in her mouth. i nodded in agreement but sadie looked like she wanted to disagree.

"ladybug is hotter," she argued.

my mom laughed. "is this what you kids talk about nowadays?"

"yes mom," i laughed.

"well okay," she giggled before picking up her plate and getting up from the table. "just make sure you guys wash your dishes after you eat, okay?"

"yes ma'am," we all replied in sync. she smiled approvingly before washing up her dish and leaving the room.

"so guys..." i started, immediately gaining both of my friends' attention. "i'm going on a date with finn tonight."

"what?!" the both yelled at the same time.

"i know, i know! he won't tell me where just in case you planned on taking pictures, you fucking stalker," i joked, clearly directing it at sadie who had a smirk on her face.

"did you tell your mom?" millie asked.

that was a good question. i could tell my mom the truth and have her get all excited which would not benefit me since all of this is a stupid dare. or, i can lie about my whereabouts and risk my mom finding out and hurt her feelings because she'll think i didn't want her tell her. either way, now was not the time to tell her about finn.

"no," i shrugged. "i figured i could just lie and say i went to one of your houses for a couple of hours."

"i mean, you can sleepover at mine and my mom will drive us to school tomorrow," sadie offered. i smiled at her kind gesture. what was the point of having besties when they couldn't help you out in tough situations like the one i was in?

"ah thank you!" i exclaimed. "i'll let my mom know!"

"what are you going to wear though?" millie asked in curiosity. millie was definitely the hopeless romantic type, so every outfit of every date really mattered to her. that's not my style but hey, i can't ruin her moment.

"whatever is in my closet millie," i replied bluntly.

"pretty please let me pick out your fit? you won't regret it!" she begged.

"fine," i mumbled. "but make it quick because i promised your parents you guys would be home before twelve."


i stood nervously in front of my bed, anxiously eyeing the outfit that millie laid out in front of me. as much as i didn't want to admit it, i kind of did care about the outfit. not because of finn of course, but because this was a surprise date and i didn't know what attire would be appropriate. i would text him but that would just let him know i was thinking about him. i don't chase, i attract. and just like magic, i got a notification from my phone saying he texted me.

finn ig🙄
coming to get you in
like 20 mins... r u
ready princess ?

i was born ready 🙄🙄

finn ig🙄
is this your way of
admitting we were
destined for each other??

literally stfu . this is
why ihy.

but 20 mins is fine🙄 just
pick me up at the corner so my
mom won't get sus

finn ig🙄
we live five houses away
from each other ????

oh fr🧍‍♀️?
damn bro i'm sorry😭😭

finn ig🙄
i'm starting to dislike

finn ig🙄
anyways bring a jacket

alr 👍

see u there :)))

whatever just stop
texting me now 🙂

this was supposed to be
more but i couldn't write
anything more bc i wasn't
motivated. i am deciding to
leave wattpad after this
book is finished but to all
my friends out here let me
know how i can remain in
contact with you :) i'll
get anything except insta
bc i can't have it rn 🙄🙄

also... what's y'all idea of
a really cute 1st date???
asking for a friend 😳😳

𝐖𝐇𝐘 𝐃𝐎 𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐋𝐒 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now