sour +̾4+̾ patch

233 13 5

(Honestly that song slapppsssss y u h- rush slaps in general)))

The three of you sat on the bus. His mother taking serval pictures the whole time. You actually found them adorable, diego was embarrassed but complimented himself.

She handed one to you. You looked at it, it was when you were dragging him into the water. She winked at you. Your face reddend. He raised a brow. He went to look at it but you hid it in your bag.

"Hehe. Sucks to suck." You grinned, he rolled his eyes, "whatever. I'm ready for some rice and vegetables!" He hyped up. You nodded, also hungry. She smiled.
Walking into the house you were handed clothes from diego. A large green shirt with some sweats.

They were baggy but comfortable. The three of you ate by the open window and enjoyed the breeze and sun slowly set.
"Alright kiddos. I'll go get some sweets. Theres a sale down in the market." She put on some walking shoes and grabbed a toat bag. You both waved.

You and diego stared at the beautiful pinks and oranges. The small breeze drying your hair even more. You smiled. It was stunning.
Diego peeked to you, his eyes softened at your relaxed form. You were shining to him. The orange reflecting onto your skin made him feel warm. He really wanted to say that he loved you but he couldnt bring himself too, to him it sounded petty and not important.

He looked back to the dimming sky, the stars slowly peeking out. It was beautiful. The nice night breeze cooling down the day.
"Hey diego?" You asked, he hummed peeking to you rubbing your arms, with a chibi look to your face.

"Mayth i take part in using a blanket?" You asked. He blinked. "yeah. Here, wear this and I'll get you a blanket." You watched with a sheepish face as he took off the thin sweater he wore. He tossed it to you as he got up.

"Thank youu!" You yelled across the house as he went up to his room. He came back seeing you snuggled up into his sweater.
His heart melted at how you had the sleeves barely over your knuckles and the neck of it you snuggled into.
You soon felt a thick layer over you.
Then you saw diego sit next to you.

"Warm?" He asked, you shook your head, "bruh, want hot coca?" He asked, you lifted up the excess of the blanket next to you, inviting him. He had another shirt on at this point.
You saw the small blush on his face. He slowly joined you, both of you under the heavy blanket, enjoying the moon appearing over the horizon. He had turned off all the lights expect for the hallway for mom and the tv was on mute.

After a while his mother walked in, it was a little late, she had found herself talking to old friends.
She saw where the two had fallen asleep. But. She smiled sweetly. Diego was still up while you were asleep.

"You really love her." She stated, diego nodded. "What took you so long? Its almost midnight." He asked concerned. She smiled. She held up the box of dongo. "I happened to run into some old friends haha." She smiled. "Glad i took my time. hahaha." She winked making the blonde blush.

He looked away from his mom and back down to you. Both of you laid on the front room floor.
He soon laid back down hearing his mom leave the room. He looked to your snoring face. You held onto a pillow you grabbed a little before passing out.
Diego sighed with a soft smile. He turned the other way and slowly began to doze off.
But he suddenly felt a hand try to pull him. He opened his eyes, turning his head to you. You were still asleep?
He gave himself a small smile.
He rolled over to face you, pulling you towards him. He felt your hands grab onto his shirt as you as well snuggled into him. His heart was running 100 or more miles per hour.
He felt like everything was cold but hot, icy hot. He could feel you breathe, your chest rising and falling. He could also still smell the shampoo you used despite swimming today. It relaxed him, his shoulders less tense. The thoughts of his sick mother gone, of school, the reason your here. He was just happy your here. He played with your hair for a minute till he passed out a little after. Only to be woken up by you wheezing.

He sat up to see you and his mom watching family feud, "y/n! Your too smart! I didnt think of that!" His mom gushed. The two eating small cheese chips. You looked down to diegos confused face.
"Oh good morning." You flashed him a warm smile, he nodded. "What time is it?" He asked. "around 9am."
He groaned at his moms words, curling back into the blankets. You both chuckled.

"Diego, we have school. Were already really late.." You stated a bit bored. His mother didnt mind you both missing a little due to the situation you happened to be in. He huffed, flopping his head to you from the floor.

"What miss my amazing warmth??" You joked, he sighed. "Yes, its cold in here." He added admittedly. Your ears burned. A soft smile on your face. You stood up stretching. "Come on dino boy! We got school!!" You dragged his arm from the blanket. "Its cooolllldddd!" He complained. You sighed. "Diego, i swear to god-" "diego if you don't get up on the count of 3..." His mom started, he immediately got up. "Alright alright--" you cracked a toothy smile. He'd do anything his mom asked, how sweet.

You both walked up stairs, a tired dio behind you.
As you fixed your hair and his as well, you knew today would be an interesting day of sorts... both of you grabbed the saxon math books and looking for anything else you both needed.
You both made your way to the bus stop. The one thing about going back was. diego made you wear a face mask, as well as doing your hair a bit differently than normal. Hell, he even made you wear one of his jackets because he felt paranoid. But you went with it. his clothes were comfortable.

Getting off the bus, you both walked to school, keeping a fast pace. As you both walked you and Diego felt stares. You sighed. "Diego.." You saw him nod.
Making it to the school you both let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank god..." You herd him mumble. he seemed really tired still. Probably hasn't slept in inna while...

You laughed. Both of you making your ways to class. But as you did, you saw a few guys waiting in your class by your seat. 'Nope.' You quickly shut the door, then bolting to the bathrooms, hoping they dont notice. But they did. You herd them snicker as they got closer. You sighed hiding in one of the stalls. If they check, just go into the others.
They opened the stalls one by one. The second they left the one next to you, about to open yours, you moved under the stalls, hopping onto the toilet quickly.

"Damn it! Fucking bitch!" The two men leave quickly, one angered. You sighed. 'Annoying... They'll leave eventually, they'll get bored.' You grabbed your bag, quickly leaving back to class.

"Really? Fucking assholes." "Johnny your not helping." "Yeah we know they are jerks." You laughed at the group. Diego huffed. "Glad i got to break his nose though." He stated proudly. "Diego, you'd be glad to break anything like a cat at 2am." Gyro added, johnny nodding. "Exactly. But you got a fair point. Good for you." Johnny added.

Lucy sighed, "he deserved it." HP nodding. "Hey y/n." The two girls grinned at you for a second. You sighed. "No. Don't even-" "were going to the bathroom. Bye bye!" Lucy grinned as her and HP dragged your ass to the bathroom. The boys watching confused.
"Dude, fuck valentine. He-" "gonna fucking kill him. We know." Gyro and Diego stated.

"So what was that small vacation with Diego hmmm?" "Yeah, you probably had a fun night right? Main character energy!!!" you sighed.

"Okay... Well.. Uh." Your face reddened. You felt icy but not. They grinned. "So you do like the boy." "And he's not a delinquent. Just a dick." You laughed at HPs remark. Lucy nodding.

"Maybe we did cuddle and went to the beach." Your face slightly burned. The two gasped. "MAIN CHARACTER!!!"

you glared at them. "hush!! His mom invited me over!" Your voice came out high pitched. The two girls grinning. "Okay whatever y/n..."

(Two chapters today? Oh? Yuh)

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