School ♡1♡ Codes

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"Y/n, your such a loser."

"What no I'm not!"

You were arguing with some girl. She was bashing on your Pokemon collection. A federal crime is being committed and you, being the strongest Pokemon player at your school, had to stand up for the poor 2nd graders who are now.... Sitting in class without their card books.

"Yes you are! You always stick up for the younger kids and the gross smelling ones! Why can't you maybe you know.." She paused, a girl next to her giggled. "Be more normal. That pikachew jacket makes your uniform ugly!" The two began laughing like hyenas. You smiled, acting dumb.

"At least I'm not a snitch!" You said very loudly, possibly the whole playground had herd you. Kids around the three of you gathered, with gasps and shocked looks.
"I'm not a snitch!" "Sniittcchh! Sniittchh!" The kids around you all chanted.
The two scoffed. "How annoying! Your all brats!!" The two turned around and walked off. You fake dusted off your long navy skirt and hands.

"Y/n that was so cool! Standing up to 5th graders like that!" One of the younger kids smiled, the rest nodded. "I don't even play Pokemon! But she busted my bay blades!" "Yeah! My Yu-Gi-Oh cards havent been returned to me.." The group of kids in all different grades complained. You being the oldest, a 6th grader, was basically their leader. You also were vice of the schools game club.

"Hey... I know someone who Can help us." A kid came from the crowd. "Johnny? Your back?" You asked, the kid nodded. He's been in detention for calling a teacher the B word. Yes.. The all mighty B word.
a majority of the kids scattered onto the play ground.
A few stayed.

"Who can help get our Cards back?" "Yeah, my Brother will be upset if i don't get the binder back.." Gyro and Hot Pants complained. Johnny snapped his fingers with a grin.

"I met a 7th grader whilst In detention." He spoke as if he was a brave soul. The few kids gasped. You hummed. You new a few 7-8th graders, due to being in higher classes. And being in a school where 8th grade is the last grade.
"His name..."

"Diego brando!"

You tilted your head. "Whos that?" You asked, the kids all gasped. Gyro gasped. "He's a complete Cagna!" Gryo crossed his arms. "What does that mean?" "Bitch."
The three looked to you. "Y/n, hes the only one possibly willing to get detention again to get those cards!" Johnny stated boldly. You looked at him with a stern look.
"What did he do in the first place to get detention?" You asked.

Hot pants hummed. "I remember seeing him fight some guy after school a few days ago. A teacher mustve caught him." she said with a low tone. You nodded, getting a general idea of who this kid is.
"He's super mean too!" "Yeah! He probably kisses his mother with that mouth of his-" johnny and gyro both agreed with each other.

"stop being mean you guys, you both don't know his home life!" You scolded. The two became quiet quickly. Hot pants handed you a small torn piece of paper.
"This is the detention room, they always change it on Tuesdays and Thursdays." She said, you nodded and gave her a warm smile.

"Alright. I'll visit him after school okay? I'll be sure to get you all your cards and blades back." You spoke with loud and confident words. The three had sparkles in their eyes.
"Well plan at the meeting briefly before the club starts, let's get the school day over with first!" You nodded as the three left to the end of resess.


"Alright, we shall stage a fight!" Hot pants declared. Johnny claspes his hands. "Since gyro is very strong! He shall fake being punched by you, y/n!" The young blonde spoke confidently. You hummed.
"Alright, I'm sure we can borrow some make up right?" You asked, the three shrugged.
"Make up would be hard to obtain- so..." You watched as hot pants pulled out a paint set.

Wholesome Dino {[Diego Brando X Reader]} Where stories live. Discover now