Sweet ♡2♡ Nothing

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You couldn't help but smile at the blonde. You both were preparing for finals. Ever since Primary school, you both had been close. He still doesnt care for Pokemon, but he'll ask about the dinosaur types sometimes.
But of course you had grown out of that.

You had been drug out of your comfy apartment by him to study at 4am. He has the nice life everyone wants. The goals. Wake up at 4am, study at a library, go get breakfast, school, come home, go to work, exercise, and after 9pm is free hours. He has had this schedule since who knows. 

"Stop spacing out you idiot." He flicked an eraser at your face. You rubbed your cheek. "Ow..." "Pay attention! You asked me yesterday to help you with math and science! Stop complaining!" He stated annoyed. You grinned.
"Oh shuuush. I do your art and English homework no problem!" You smirked seeing him turn a red color. "Shut up!" You chuckled. It was 5am. "Let's go eat! I'm starving..." You put your head on the desk, your arms reaching across to Diego. He followed suit. His head also on the table.
"Finish your last few questions and I'll pay for breakfast."

"You still tired?" Diego asked. You shook your head no. "You almost crashed coming here this morning!" He nagged. You chuckled. "Your the one who forced me to drive my bike!" You smirked. He huffed. You hopped on, diego sitting behind you.
You yawned once more. You stayed up late. Almost maybe 2 hours of sleep. Not from stressing no... You dont mind tests, unless their confrontation tests.
Crying, perhaps. 98% crying, yes. But you did draw for the 2%.
You had received a text around 10pm last night, the guy you had been with had cheated on you. One of his friends sent you videos and pictures. And so you decided its best to let that out of your life. Your still young and in high school! Its your last year too! Despite you being woken up so early may have been annoying, but it was by Diego. Who comes into your house and technically lives there but he comes and goes. But when he had came to wake your lazy ass up, you actually felt happy about it.

"Here..." You parked your small bike. You looked at the small gas station. "No cafe y/n?" He asked. You shrugged. "Don't feel like it. I just want something snacky.." You walked ahead of him, Diego following.
'She's acting different...'


"Whatttt y/n! He did that to you!" A blonde girl gasped. You nodded. "Lucy, what the hell did you expect!" Gyro scoffed. "The mans a Asshole! Complete dick!" Johnny added. You sighed. They were 2nd years.
Diego walked in tiredly. "Welcome back Dino man." You waved sheepishly. He hummed.
The five of you relaxed before class began. Lucy, Gyro, and Johnny left as soon as the bell rang. You and diego sat by each other, "i herd." He spoke softly. You hummed. "Wanna see the video?" You asked. He nodded, you plug in the head phones and handed him your phone.
He watched. He didnt even see the whole video and handed the phone back. You looked to him. You could see he was pissed off.

You wouldn't blame him. He can barely stand your 2nd year friends. But then again, Gyro and Johnny were also upset by that, but they weren't livid like Diego is right now. "Y/n, why didnt you tell me?" He muttered, but you heard. You looked to the teacher who plugged in the rolly TV.
"I didnt wanna think about it so early in the morning... I thought about it too much last night." You stated honestly. He gave you a hard stare, one your used to seeing, but... It always had an effect on you. Like he was looking though you as if your a window.

"Y/n. Remember how i told you that guy was complete white wash. this is what i meant!" He argued. You looked away as the class lights turned off,  you couldn't speak. Speechless. You knew... But shit. You fell hard. Its like your cleaning your room and your mom asks if youve gotten your room clean as she's watching you clean your room.

Wholesome Dino {[Diego Brando X Reader]} Where stories live. Discover now