Nobody Compares (Louis Tomlinson Fanfic)

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*Amanda's POV*


I was awoken by the loud ringing of my alarm. I looked at the time to see it was 6:00 am. Ugh.

I sleepily get out of bed to take a shower. Once I got in, the hot water splashed on my skin which really woke me up. I got out of the shower hesitantly, not wanting to leave it. When I got out I picked out an outfit. I wasn't really in the mood to dress at least some what nicely for school, so I settled for sweatpants and a black t-shirt. I put my brown, curly hair in a ponytail, and put on my Vans. I looked at the time. Shit.

It was 7:38 and school started at 7:45. I hurriedly got in my 1992 Dodge Spirit, and rushed to school, not worrying about breakfast or anything. I had to hurry.

Fortunately, I made it to school with two minutes to spare. I went to my first hour class which was Biology, my least favorite class. The only good thing about this class is my best friend, Bryce was in this class. "Hey Bryce," I said to him as I sat down.

"Hey Amanda," he replied grumpily. Bryce has never been a big fan of school.

"Do you want to come over after school today?" I asked him.

He thought for a moment, "Sure."

"Class take out your homework..." Mr. Belles -the devil- said.


I was spacing off all day. I wasn't feeling well, and I didn't want to be at school. I hated it here.

"Where are you going, Amanda?" Tiffany, the most popular girl in my high school asked, with a snarl to her voice. I ignored her, because I wasn't in the mood to take her harassment. I have had enough if it over the past few years. "I said where are you going, bitch." She spat. I kept on walking, speeding up my pace, but that didn't stop her. She ran up to me and got me cornered in the bathroom with all of her friends and some bystanders. "When I ask you something, you respond, fatty!" She yelled. "You are pathetic. Go die." She laughed.

I sat there and cried, looking at the scars on my arm. Tiffany caused them. She has caused me too much suffering over the years that I couldn't take it anymore, so I resolved to cutting. Once I gathered myself, I got my backpack and went outside to the halls, hoping I wouldn't run into anyone. I realized math class started five minutes ago, so I had o I hurried there. I peeked out of the window of the door to hope he wouldn't catch me being late.

"Where were you, Ms. Blane?" He asked in a stern voice without looking up from his papers.

"Um... I was...."

"Okay well get to your seat."

Mr. Johnson was a meaner teacher but if you give him some respect, he'll be nicer to you. I'm not a teachers pet or anything, but I see no point in back talking to teachers or being rude to them in class.

I was spacing of mostly in class when I heard the lunch bell. Finally. "Hey" I said to Bryce as I sat down.

"Amanda," he said with a sincere look on his face. "I heard what happened with Tiffany."

When he said that, I straightened my back and looked at my food. "I'm fine." I told him in a somewhat perky voice. He didn't believe me but he shrugged it off and finished eating food.

As school got over, Bryce and I hurried to my house to avoid any more torment like we usually get after school. Once we safely got to my house I shut the door, turned the lights on (A/N: sorry I had to :D) and plopped on the couch next by Bryce. "Well, what do you want to do?" I asked him, already being super bored.

"Let's watch tv,"

I turned on the television and started to flip through the channels. "There is nothing on!" I grunted.

"Put on the X Factor UK, that's a good show."

I groaned because I hated that show. It's just a bunch of people trying to 'follow their dreams' and cry when they get told they suck, and there is also too many favorites for people in that show.

"Please there is nothing else to watch," Bryce said in his innocent and sweet voice.

"Fiinnnneee," I stretched that word a little too dramatically but I didn't care. I turned it on and don't call me cruel, but I actually had fun making fun of the terrible singers.

"Next up is Jenna Goodman." The announcer called on the show.

"Hello," Louis said to her. "What will you be singing today?"

"Um... I'm s-singing 'S-Stay' by M-Mayday Parade." (A/N: just to let you know besides 1D, that's my favorite song(: check it out!)

"Okay start." Simon said, a little harshly. She started singing, and she was... not the best singer ever...

After she got declined, the next person went. As the next boy went on stage, I saw he looked really cute. "Amanda, he looks just like you!" Bryce said.

I looked at the boy on the television and compared him to me. "No he doesn't! I don't see any similarity, but he sure is hot!"

Bryce scoffed. "You both have medium brown curly hair, with green eyes and dimples!" I looked at the English boy on the screen again and I sort of agreed with Bryce but I didn't say anything.

"Hello." The boy said.

"Nice to meet you, what's your name?" Simon asked him.

"I'm Harry Styles." He said.

"Okay Harry how old are you?"

"Um I'm sixteen." Harry said, as many fans in the audience cheered.

"Amanda, he is even the same age as you!" Bryce exclaimed.

"Bryce, there are a lot if sixteen year olds out there." I said in my stupid voice.

After Harry was done chit-chatting with the judges, he sang 'Isn't She Lovely' by Stevie Wonder, and must I say, he sang it beautifully! He got 2/3 yesses, so he moved on the the next round. "He is so hot!" I yelled at Bryce, as he glared at me.

We were watching the X Factor and doing homework for a few hours when my mom came home. "Hey mom!" I shouted at her from the living room. But writhing a few seconds she came to us.

"Did you watch the X Factor UK today?" She asked, sounding a little worried.

"Yeah... Why?" I asked.

My mom hurried to sit down on the couch next to me and look at me. "Did you see the boy Harry Styles?" She asked.

"Yeah he was so hot! And such a good singer!" I exclaimed.

"Honey, I have something to tell you about him." I tilted my head to the side waiting for her to continue. "Amanda he is your twin brother."


A/N: hey everyone! Like it so far? Sorry to end with a cliffhanger muahaha! But anyways, what did you think? If you liked it, come back! :D I'll try to post another chapter every other day, k? K.

If you liked it then vote/share/comment/.................................. Or get killed by a banana;D

Thanks for reading!bye bye my beautiful creature!(:

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