Chapter Seven

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~*~ Amanda's POV ~*~

"Hello?" I shouted as me and Louis cane through the front door- carrying all my bags. After our little conversation in the park, we ate and continued shopping for my new wardrobe.

"Hello?" I shouted a little louder, searching more of the house. I got to the kitchen and saw a note there. It read;


I went out for a little bit to go run some errands I should be back by 11:00 pm.


I read the note aloud to Louis, as he got a text from Harry. That read;

Hey! I went to hang out at my friends flat so I won't be back till later 2nite or

2morrow morning!

Harry xx

I checked the time, and it read 4:02pm. "Well it looked like we have a few hours to ourselves!" I cheered. "What should we do?"

Louis thought for a moment, and then his face lit up. "Let's make brownies!"

I considered this for a moment, then nodded. "Okay! Brownies it is! You get the stuff out of the fridge while and I'm gonna change real fast." He nodded and I rushed upstairs into my room. I had on an outfit Louis has bought me, so I changed into sweats and a T-shirt. I went back downstairs, to find Louis with flour on his face and a cracked egg on his head.

"How...?" I asked.

"Um well it started with me getting the stuff out of the pantry and well..." he trailed off.

I laughed and walked over to him. I washed everything off of his face. I got a wash cloth and started to wipe his face. There was one moment where I felt something, and I swear he did too. He looked into my eyes and started licking his lips.

I finished cleaning him up and we started to make to brownies. "Chocolate chips, please," I said to him.

"When do I get to stir?" He pouted like a kid.

"You'll probably just find a way to make the mix explode," I joked.

"Pwease," he said in a baby voice.


He took the spoon from me and started stirring everything together. "Ready to put it in the oven?" I asked.

"Not just yet..." he said. I was confused by what he said, but then realized what he meant just a few seconds after he did.

He took a big handful of batter and threw it at my face. It got in my hair and all over the place. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT, LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!" I shrieked.

I took the whole bowl of batter and threw it over his head. So now, it was all over his head and shirt, and a lot of it on the ground. He opened his arms wide, gesturing he wanted a hug. I backed away slowly, and then ran when I thought it was safe. He was hot on my heels as he chased me around, with batter on him, head to toe.

I ran into a wall and he finally caught up to me. He gave me a hug, making sure to cover me everywhere in the uncooked brownies. We ended up on the floor, laughing for about 4 minutes straight. "I'm gonna take a shower." I said once I finally got my breathing under control from laughing so much.

"Yeah me too." Louis said.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower, and I started singing to "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5.

I don't mind spending everyday, out on your corner in the pouring rain. Look for the girl with a broken smile. Ask her if she wants to stay awhile. And she will be loved. And she will be loved.

After I finished my shower, I changed into a different outfit considering my other one has brownie mix all over it. And headed downstairs. Louis was on the floor, looking through the case full of movies. "Hey," I said.

"Hi!" He cheered. "I thought we could take a break from the kitchen and watch a movie," he suggested. I nodded and walked over to him to help him. "How about Paranormal Activity?" he asked.

"No way am I watching something that scary!" I feared, and Louis laughed.

"Oh come on, it's not that scary, and if it gets too bad, I'll be here to protect you," he said proudly. I rolled my eyes, and agreed, and he cheered.

"I'll go make some popcorn," I got up to get it as Louis put in the movie. He sat on the couch getting comfortable as a put it in the microwave. I hated scary movies because they scare the pee out of me but today I was okay with it, because I had Louis to protect me. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to get scared during it.

I got the popcorn out and sat down really close to Louis. I held my knees to my chest as he pressed play. I anxiously ate the popcorn and bit my nails.

As the movie dragged on, I felt myself scooting closer and closer to Louis so he could 'protect me from harm' and so I could use his arm to cover up during scenes I was not going to watch.

There was one part in the movie where it kept on getting more suspenseful and scary but I couldn't keep my eyes off of it. "AHHHH HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUDGE WAS THAT?!" I screamed as something popped on the screen. I hid behind Louis as he began to chuckle.

"Love, the movies over, you can look now," he told me. I peeked over his shoulder to make sure, and I saw the credits rolling on the screen.

"Thank god! That movie is the worst!" I screamed.

Louis laughed at me. "Well now I can add you don't like scary movies to the things I know about you."


A/N: No cliffhanger this time :D and I just wanna say OH MY FUDGING GOODNESS! THANK YOU!(: because this story has 107 views! I know it doesn't seem like a lot but it is to me(: y'all are amazayn!

I would like to dedicate this chapter to @TheCrayCrayCarrots because she is one of my best friends and if you read her 1D one shots book, you will piss your pants from laughing so hard! So go check out her stuff!


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