Chapter Four

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"Dad?" I asked. We smiled and I let go of the hug. I looked at Harry and smiled. I gave him a hug as well, and he picked my up and gave me the biggest bear hug ever. I laughed as he put me down. We stood there for a moment all three of us had tears in our eyes when I noticed a fairly attractive boy awkwardly standing there next to Harry.

"Oh Amanda, this is Louis, my friend. We met on the X Factor a few weeks ago on the auditions." Harry said, in his sweet British accent.

"Hi Louis," I said shyly, I mean he was really attractive. I put my hand out to shake his, and he laughed at me.

"Please, I'm part of the family," he told me before giving me a bear hug as well, but not as strong as Harry's.

As he picked me up, I felt butterflies in my stomach. Did I already like him? After knowing him for about 30 second? I mean, he was really cute.

"Okay, enough of this! Lets go home!" My dad said. I only knew this man for a little while and I already felt comfortable calling him 'Dad'.

"Here I'll get your luggage." Harry said, picking up the small suitcase.

"Is this all you have?" Louis asked me.

"Yeah, I don't have a lot," I blushed, a little embarrassed.

"When we get home, Harry and I are taking you shopping," Louis promised.

"Well I don't really have any money on me so I can't," I said.

"Well then I'll pay," Harry said.

"No I can't let you do that!" I protested. (A/N : hehe see what I did therr)

"Yes you can." Louis fought back.





"No." We kept going.

"Seriously guys get a room!" Harry joked. I blushed and looked away.

After that awkward moment, Louis said, "Okay for twins, you guys sound a lot different."

"Well Louis, she's a girl, I'm a guy, and, oh yeah, she lived in America while I lived in England so we have different accents you idiot!" Harry joked.

We got in the car, my dad in the drivers seat, Harry in the passenger seat, and me and Louis in the back. Great. "So how are you liking England so far?" Louis asked.

"Well I've only seen the airport and the parking garage but so far it's lovely," I joked and he smiled. Oh... that smile....

"Amanda? Amanda? AMANDA!" Louis screamed.

"Wha-what?" I said.

Louis chuckled. "You were spacing off. And we're here." I blushed and got out of the car. I went to go get my suitcase, when Louis was at my side. "No, no. I'll get it." He said to me, and I blushed again. Gosh, this boy makes me blush too much.

I followed the three boys into the house. Boy, it was huge. When you walked through the front door, you could see polished hardwood floors, a curved staircase against the wall that lead upstairs, and a few floor to ceiling windows. "Oh my," was all I managed to spill out.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Your home is beautiful!" I said.

"Well thank you," Dad said. "But remember, you don't have to say your home. You are part of the family. What's ours is yours," he smiled.

"Here, um, let me give you a tour," Harry offered.


"I'll come with!" Louis added.

I followed Harry around their- I mean our- house as he walked to different places. "Okay well this is the kitchen, and over there is the bathroom. Um, we got girl toiletries for you when... you know," with that, Louis started to laugh at Harry's awkward statement.

Damn, that laugh is sexy.

"I know it is babe," Louis said and he winked.

Did I really say that out loud?

"Yes. Yes you did, love." Louis laughed again. Well that's embarrassing. I really need to work on keeping my thoughts unspoken.

Harry rolled his eyes and continued the tour of the home. "Okay I'll show you upstairs. This is my room... and that's your room." He pointed to a door straight across from is. And then he pointed to a door right next to mine. "Oh and that's Louis room. He has his own home in Doncaster, he's just staying here because we both have to go back to BootCamp in a few days," he said.

"So your both solo artists?" I asked.

"Yeah we just became good friends." (A/N: solo artists for now hehe>:D)

Then Harry whispered something in my ear, but loud enough for Louis to hear. "Just to let you know, both your rooms have a joining balcony, so we put dark curtains in their because you never know what Louis would do." He said, half joking-half serious. Then, Louis growled at me.

"I'll watch you in your sleep," he grinned evilly. I laughed and then yawned.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed," I said.

"No!!" Louis pouted. "We were supposed to take you shopping!"

"But I'm tired!" I protested.

He gave me a puppy dog face, and must I say, pulled it of well. His twinkling eyes sparkled like diamonds and he looked like an innocent kid.

"Ugh! I have jet-lag!" I yelled. "Okay Louis, how about we go shopping tomorrow, okay?" I said in a mommy voice.

"Okay!" He replied in a kiddish voice.

"Okay!" I finalized, and I yawned again. "Now I'm really going to bed. Goodnight or good afternoon or morning or whatever time of day it is!" I said, turning my back and grabbing my suitcase.

"Sweet dreams." I heard Louis mumble.

I flopped on my bed, without bothering to put on sweats or pajamas, and immediately fell asleep.

~*~Louis POV~*~

I think I just met the person I'm going to marry.


A/N: OHHHHH SPARKS BETWEEN AMANDA AND LOUIS!!!! Idek why put I was laughing so hard when I put Louis sentence at the end! But then I'm also mentally insane so....... hehe

Okay so PLEASE vote/comment/share

It get killed by an orange...

But please do something so I know that the only people that aren't reading are robots sent from Mars that want to kill me so.... Like I said, mentally insane.

Haha and you think I'm kidding. Please, I tell you all to get murdered by various fruits! Just please comment so I know someone in the world loves me. Y'all should love me anyway because I updated twice today. But please comment. I NEED SOMEONE TO LOVE ME. I AM A LOVABLE PERSON I SWEAR.

Stay Sexy


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