As we were looking at the scenery outside from the window, the bars on it were definitely not a good sign—
"Oh hello, you must be Nova 'bout whom the boss was talkin'- Oh why hello there cute lady."
A blonde dude just appeared right in front of my face on the other side of the window. He was wearing a red T-Shirt with a white full sleeve beneath the T-Shirt along with a pair of black track-pants. He had green eyes and a scar on his right hand. Well, hearing the words 'you must be Nova' and 'boss' meant that this guy was probably on a mission to retrieve me or something.
"Who are you? Nova you know this guy? Do you have foo— Ow!"
I stepped on her foot as she was blabbering questions out of her big mouth which were coming out that pea brain of hers. This girl.......I wish she didn't have this infinite space in her stomach—
"Yeah I'm Nova, so what exactly do you want from me? Also, could you please help us get outta here?"
"Okay then, listen up, I'm Husky and I'll be your guide for this town, or so I was told to tell you by my boss—"
"Okay that's enough information I need so get us outta here already."
"Provide us food too, Husky."
So this guy is going to guide us around the town huh? By looking at his skinny body I can say that this guy has definitely committed a few crimes before —as in theft— and looked fairly weak to me, but let's not judge a book by it's cover eh?
"Okay then, lemme just use my spell..... Bending Art: Metal Bending!"
Magic?! Okay I lowkey expected that. But seeing magic for the first time being used right in front of me got me excited and I can't wait to use some of mine. I can already imagine myself destroying enemies with my magic.
We jumped out of the window and landed straight onto a pile of hay and it was quite prickly.
"I can sense a lot of sphaeram from the cute lady there, are you a licensed mage?"
"Oi Nova, who's he calling a 'cute lady'? I don't really see any other lady around here—"
"You, he's talking about you, so Husky —was it?— what exactly do you mean by her being a licensed mage? Also, what did you just say? sphae-, sphae what?"
You need a license to be a mage? How convenient. He said something about Alexia having a lot of sphae— I don't even want to say it at this point.
"Sphaeram, It's the magic aura present in one which lets them use magic, it can either be via spells to increase the power or using sheer physical strength. I have enough practice to sense the amount of it, the cute lady—"
"Her name is Alexia."
"Ah yes, so Alexia has a lotta sphaeram present in her which is why I asked if she was a licensed mage, but by the looks of things, I guess not."
Not only does Alexia have this sphaeram thing but a lot of it. By looking at her I could tell that she understood nothing —or I guess she wanted food—. To be honest, I knew that she always had a lot of physical strength since we were kids.
"How much sphaeram do I have?"
Husky looked away as if he didn't hear my question. Oh no... That's a bad sign. Did I have very little magic compared to Alexia?
"Umm...Did you hear me? I asked how much sphaeram do I have. It's fine if I have less sphaeram compared to Alexia or if I have even a little bit of it."

Why Are We The Chosen Ones? (Volume 1, Light Novel)
ФэнтезиA boy, Nova, gets transported to a new world he is unaware about along with his childhood friend, Alexia, and meets a lot of new people in this world and gets to know about it and his goal is to safely go back home. He has no magic but his friend ha...