Ch. 1 | A Sign

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At this point in time, It has been a year since both Pico and Boyfriend(Keith) has moved away from their old town. They're living separate lives, trying to get by.


[Pico POV]

I decided it was time for me to just forget him, I said it to myself like it was gonna be easy. Absolutely fucking not. Even after I moved away from the old apartment, I would still hear his voice and him in the faces of others. It got to the point where I saw his shadows in my room.

The hallucinations of him caused me to hold on. I truly believed that he'd come back to me if he found me. I had started to give up hope, it had been a year of no contact. I wandered streets, stores, parks, any place I went to I looked for him. I couldn't find him.

Darnell and Nene told me that I needed to be patient, plus get therapy, but I was having a hard time doing both. Sitting in this office while my therapist writes is a bit nerve-wracking. Yet, if this helps me get my boyfriend back, than I'll continue.

"Pico?" I heard her voice said. I looked to Ms. Lyres, the person who was supposed to be helping me. "Sorry. I spaced out." I apologized. She nodded. "Well now that we've gotten through the basic questions, we have two hours. Let's speak about your most prominent traumas." She says, smiling. I simple respond with a nod of my head. I opened up as much as i was comfortable with. I told her everything about the shooting.

1 hour later....

Ms. Lyres was silent for a moment, probably trying to process all the shit i had dumped on her. Maybe regretting her job choice too. "Alright, I understand. So that lead to your hallucinations and trust issues and the schizophrenia, but how did this lead to the break up with your boyfriend?" She said, clenching her hands into to fist so tight that they turned white. I sigh quietly.

I looked at the clock and noticed we still had a full hour left. Right, it was time to get into what's weighing on me right now. No reason to hide it now, i came this far. "My ex boyfriend, His name is Keith. I love him with all my heart but due to my trauma, I almost harmed him." I said bluntly, trying to keep my chill. Just speaking about this made me want to cry. "In what way exactly? What truly happened?" She pried. I couldn't especially blame her, if she couldn't figure out the issue than nothing could be done.

"I have issues with guns. I always have one near me. So i woke up, Keith wasn't there. It was dark, all i could see was me on the floor with the shooter laughing at me. I lunged at them and grabbed a gun and i was gonna end them." I paused, breathing in trying to catch my breathe a bit. "I heard faint sounds of someone calling my name. My vision faded back to normal, I was on top of Keith. With my gun to his head while he was crying." I finished, hanging my head down.

She nodded. "Thank you, Pico. I'm glad you came to me about this. Now, let me tell you about your options. There is medicine for Hallucinations and Trauma but I never recommend it. I usually say it's better to come to terms with this. All this is your choice of course." I looked her directly in the eyes and really I knew there was only one option.

Later...(Pico's out of Therapy with Nene & Darnell at his "new" home)

"That's awesome! I'm proud of you, Pico. You just got keep moving forward." Nene said excitedly as she  took out her phone. "Yeah Man, You're on the right track. Speaking of which, You good? You seemed spaced out?" Darnell commented, showing a little concern.

My mind was elsewhere, but I still managed to answer. "You know, just thinking about.. the usual." I say vaguely, hoping they might not immediately accuse me of thinking of him. I couldn't control the fact that I want him back this much. "Oh so, Keith naked then?" Nene joked and Darnell choked on the water he was drinking. I simply nodded, "Yeah, totally what I'm thinking of." I spoke sarcastically.

"Blueberry~" - Yandere! Pico x Boyfriend(Keith)Where stories live. Discover now