Ch. 8 | Kiss Me Since She's Dead (🍋)

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Let's see how this goes, been a bit too long.
- Rose


[Keith's POV]

It felt like time was standing still. Everything had just stopped moving, for me the world had decided to take a break from spinning. I could hear the echoes in my head. I couldn't even stand after hearing it. Even worse, Pico's trying to get me to change my clothes.

"Keith, Please." Pico begged with a grip on my white shirt. He had only a pair of plaid sweat pants in his hands. I just barely shook my head. "I don't need sleep right now." I blatantly said. "Well then what? Are you just gonna stay up all night and lament over something that wasn't even your fault?" He asks, each question an obvious rhetorical.

Actually fuck him. "Matter of fact? Yes. That's exactly what I'm going to fucking do, Pico." I say walking out of his bed room down the stairs. I hear his foot steps after me. He called after me into he grabbed me from behind and held me tightly. "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to be a dick, but you need to think of something else. If you want to think about this later, then fine, but not right now." He was almost verbally begging me at this point. I sighed out. It's not his fault Cherry ended up like this, He's just trying to do what's best for me.

"Alright. Gimme the sweat pants."

I can't believe this man. I really couldn't. As if his audacity wasn't already high enough, the fact he was even offering me to do this made it worse. His face slightly dimmed as he saw me look even more distressed than before. "Keith, You don't have to. I was just thinking that it always worked during the old times. I know we've both grown to new things." He was rambling on trying to justify his embarrassment.

See, He had offered me to sit on his lap like I used to do in high-school. It was always on nights where my parents were fighting over various things and I couldn't stay calm. He'd walk over to my house in the cold and waited for me to scale the wall of my house. It was always slippery, but worth it for when we got to his home, cuddling him in his lap. I sighed once more.

Did he actually want me to sit on his lap? While we were both shirtless? Like back when were 16 & 17? A lot of memories came rushing back to me in floods, causing my face to obviously heat up a bit. I just knew he was enjoying seeing me lose my composure. Not to mention the obvious duress Cherry's death placed on my actions.

I hesitated slightly before placing myself down on his lap. It brought back a lot of flirty nostalgic memories of high school. I remember how often this used to happen, he'd take me onto his lap and cuddle me when I was upset with my parents. I appreciated it.

"Feels familiar right? Reminds me of all those nights in my room." Pico comments, whispering in my ear completely seductive. I nodded, quietly breathing and trying to ignore the obvious growing sexual tension. I shifted slightly, trying to get off his.. upper area but before I could he gently held me in place.

"What? Don't want to continue like we did on those nights?" He asked, rubbing circles into my hips. Hopelessly, I was turned on by his voice and actions.

"Pico, We can't. You know that. Especially not after what happened just a mere 35 minutes ago." I said trying my best not to make him any harder than he already was. "Can't or Don't want to? Very different things." He asked very confidently, He knew he caught me. I breathed, I hadn't been with anyone in a long time, especially not him. I bit my lip slightly weighing the consequences. Suddenly, He thrusted up in his sweat pants, I could feel him through them. I couldn't say no at this point, I wanted this so bad.

"Blueberry~" - Yandere! Pico x Boyfriend(Keith)Where stories live. Discover now