Ch. 13 | Given Oppurtunity

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Sometimes, You try to do things for a better cause and only end up inadvertently making things worse.



[Pico's POV]

I was seething in rage. A pounding sound was thumping in my head. It was becoming more difficult by the second to not lose my cool. Just who does Nene think she is? It wouldn't have been an issue had Keith told me about this, he usually texts me about this stuff. So, How did late night salsa dancing slip his mind?

The leather seat of my car was cold as I sat on it. 'What to do now?' is the real question. I took a sharp breathe in and out. I should work on keeping that fuck away from Keith. He's testing my patience and I don't have time to wait around for his next move.

I quickly yanked open my glove compartment and took my phone from it. Inputting my password and the app opened quickly. My eyes scoured the map, quickly looking for his car. I located it. I held back my already inflamed anger, a grimace in place of neutrality. He was at Nene's house. Just what is he doing there? Isn't she and Keith-

I realized it. I didn't think it was possible but now I had no choice but to accept it. Keith looked so nervous when I came over. Almost as if he didn't want me there, The convenient timing of Nene was tugging in the back of my brain but I let it slide. All because I trusted those two. I chuckled a bit. "Alright then. Bitch ass liars." The words slipped out my mouth as I shifted my gear stick into drive.


Puling into the Home's drive way, I carefully examined the area around and started coasting his home. Where was the easiest point to break into his house? I snuck around the back of his home and checked out my current situation. His fence was protective, but not from people scaling it like a 2000's MCR kid in combat boots. I hoisted myself up over the fence and surveyed the backyard. Other than a few lawn chairs and a pool, it was empty. I spotted a backdoor in the corner and immediately took to trying to open it. I didn't have the necessary tools on me for this. I sighed and took a minute.

I'm sure he has the key to his own home, so would he notice his backdoor broken down? I can't say I think he would. However, Is that efficient? I don't know how much time I have and from experience kicking down a door could take a bit. I looped around once more only to find a small window that I could reach if I jumped. So, I decided to do that.

Scaling the side wall, I gain my grip and stare into the window. It seems to lead to a pretentiously decorated bathroom. It's entire air had a "I adore fine art" sense about it. I take one hand from the ledge and press on the corners of the glass, testing it's feel to see if anything's loose. Damn, It's stable. Oh well. Guess it'll have to be messy then.

Now. Best way to break this window without leaving a trail of blood through the room?


[Keith's POV]

Nene's living room is so comfortably decorated yet I couldn't find it in myself to relax. This was wrong on many different levels. It was a secret congregation away from one specific pair of prying eyes. Nene, Darnell, & Senpai were doing everything they could to avoid speaking with me as they debated heavily on something. Now, I'm sure something was wrong. They never fought like that. Nene and Darnell

"Senpai, Can I ask something?" I spoke up slightly, hoping to not get ignored again. "What's up, Keith?" He replied, putting his phone face down in his lap. "What's going on? No one's really telling me." I replied, I had to admit the edge was getting to me. This wasn't a normal hangout. Senpai studied me up and down, and then it seemed as if he got an idea. "Guys, Me and Keith are going to speak outside. We'll be back." He spoke directly to them, grabbing my hand. They both nodded and went back to what seemed to be an animated debate.

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