Episode 33 - The Collision

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"It's been five months and you still haven't made any progress" Jungkook grunted through the phone.

"He is very meticulous" the voice replied.

Jungkook sighed.

"Anything else?" He asked.

"Sir He kind of formed a special team for confidential reportings. Those members handle every single thing related to you. They are guarded and attentive. Only those men are allowed to know the direct orders from Benjamin" the voice told.

"Mark don't get caught" Jungkook emphasized his words.

Mark responded with a yes. Mark is one of Jungkook's trusted men. It's only been two years since Mark's recruitment. Jungkook was no fool to believe anyone. He does background check on every single person around him. It was Mark's hard earned trust. Jungkook knew Mark has the potential to enter his enemy's radar. He was the one who cautioned him that Benjamin knew about Layla and this led Jungkook to drag Layla out of her aunt's house that day. He even had to create a scene by blasting a bullet at Diego because of his adamant stubborn wife. Jungkook never will live his life until he buries Benjamin in the ground and it's likewise for Benjamin. Countless number of times both sides battled but everytime either of them came stronger than before.

"Engage operation RED" Jungkook commanded.

"Yes sir. I'll be in..."


Cold water whacked his entire body. His whole body rocked in instinct inside the water by the sudden attack on him. Jungkook roiled up from the water in appall to see who the hell dared to push him in the pool. The moment Jungkook's enraged brown orbs met Layla he was bewildered for a second. She was already out of his sight. His eyes held confusion and puzzlement not understanding the situation.

"What have I done? What have I done?" She chimed not believing she had just played with the devil himself.

She opened their bedroom and ran straight to the bathroom. She swashed the running cold water on her face. Her nostrils inhaled and exhaled deep breaths. Her eyes widened when she remembered she didn't lock the bathroom door. She bounced high landing seemly near the door but before she could lock it the door handle was already turned down with someone pushing on the opposite side. 'God' her senses accelerated at a high speed putting every ounce of strength against the door. Within seconds the door was already bang opened and her flooded husband entered. His wet strands still trickled droplets of water. His dark brown orbs glowered her olive green jewel like eyes. His black shirt drenched as it leeched of his puissant frame. Every step he took, she belted two steps back. Her green eyes occluded with trouble and anxiety. Her back came in contact with the chill white marble wall. Her eyes enlarged in daunt when she learned there was no escape. Only inches gap between them. His fiery hot breath winded her forehead. She closed her eyes in absolute fear. His brown eyes stared at her obvious reaction. His lips pressed in a thin line. His right hand moved to her side. She suddenly stomped his leg hard and took her chance by pushing him away. She sprinted to the door. Before she could touch the bar she was already in air over his shoulders. She didn't let Jungkook take a step as she thrashed wildly in his hold.

"Stop it or you'll regret it" Jungkook growled fed up of her struggles.

Neglecting his useless warnings, she wiggled in his hold. All of a sudden, she avasted in utter embarrassment and astonishment. He slapped her butt. Her whole body tensed and petrified by his actions. Before she was brought back to reality, Jungkook strolled and dropped her down. Eventually, both in the bathtub.

He slowly bent down to her ear.

"Why'd you do that?" his low cold voice sent shivers through her spine making her crush more into the wall. He knew the answer but still he needed to hear from her lips.

"I am sorry. Please don't kill me" she apologized silently still her eyes closed.

His brown eyes stunned by her immediate urge. His warm lips turned into a smirk.

"Look at me" her eyelids tightened when he heard his deep voice.

"Look at me if you don't want me to take you hard against this tub right now" his voice heavier than before.

Her eyelids opened revealing her horrified olive green orbs at his words. His right hand reached her left cheek as his index finger nibbled over her soft skin.

"Let's start over, shall we?" He enunciated.

"It was a dare" she whispered her naive eyes staring at his deep brown orbs.

His close proximity affected her as she felt more uncomfortable. Jungkook moved his face more nearer now just an inch apart. Just when he was about to place his lips on hers, panicked she turned her face away. That definitely angered him but didn't stop him. With a sudden pull, her soft warm body hit his hard sturdy drenched built wetting her completely along with him. His cold body made her shiver in chillness. Her eyes shocked with his actions. With a soft gaze, Jungkook pressed his lips against hers as he moved against those petals leisurely. His tongue licked against her lips and his lips captured every single part of her plumps with no fight at all. Layla was dumbstruck by his gentleness and warmness. Her eyelids flapped in amazement. Her lips remained unmoved but unlike everytime she didn't push him away. Her body relaxed as her eyes closed tardily. Jungkook poured into his kiss as his arm tightened more on her waist and his fingers tangled in her brown curls. He sucked her with his tongue tasting her lip plumps. He realized for the first time she didn't struggle in his kiss. He founded her short frame to be disturbing his closeness. When he tried to lift her, her senses regained resuming her wiggles and struggles agaunst him. Her eyes widened in embarrassment as she realized what just happened. Jungkook was now the most happiest man in the world. His lips curved a small smile on how her face flushed in whole embarrassment.

"Why didn't you come to me?" his deep voice halted her battle.

She looked at him. Her eyes moved away immediately as she couldn't stand his dark deep brown gaze.

"Let go" she muttered.

"Tell me if you don't want me to kill you" his rough voice snaped.

"You don't trust me" she slowly uttered almost as a whisper.

His gaze changed the moment he heard those words. He didn't tell anything. Inserting his hands inside his pocket, he took something out.


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