Episode 9 - The Sketch

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Twinge of pang cut her heart. Her frantic state made her shook her head vigorously saying that it was just a dream. Drops of clear saline fluid diffused from her eyelids with a heavy sob wrecking her throat.

She couldn't bear this.

Mostly this all happened because of her. Eventhough, she was right in confronting him but that action of hers made him do this. She cried with hot tears rolling from her eyes. She wanted her parents more than anytime before. Fisting her one hand, she placed in her chest trying to control her sobbings.

She didn't wanna marry him. She didn't want to marry a evil monster. He's a person who can kill. She laid on her bed. With lights on and dried tears on her face, she didn't know when sleep knocked her eyes.

A puff of white smoke delivered from the tip of his mouth. With another blow, he placed the cigar in his lips again. Not able to sleep, his eyes blankly looked at the black night. "Layla Layla Layla" his voice shouted her name in his head. He couldn't stop thinking about her. He thought of marrying her after a month or two but her adamant attitude and how she went on and on about her breakup, he couldn't just sit and watch. Stomping the cigar with his feet, he took the glass filled wine. His one hand placed on the cold steel balustrade while other around the glass sipping the drink.

"Can't sleep?" Jungkook's voice rushed the silence.

The other person who just entered the big balcony stood near him pouring a drink for himself. "What about you?" the older one asked, his black eyes gazing Jungkook. "Taehyung..... I told her about the wedding" Jungkook declared. The older one looked at him slowly. Taehyung was not shocked but confused.

"You said it would be after one month right?" Taehyung asked him.

"You do know that she needs time right?" he questioned Jungkook, furrowing his eyebrows. Jungkook remained silent. "She is still not over that bastard" Jungkook said irritated. "Jungk..." Taehyung tried to bring some sense but he was stopped. "No compromises in this" he said with a straight tone. The older one sighed. "Think about her" Taehyung left.

"While I think about her, she is thinking about that jerk and I don't want that" Jungkook mumbled.

It was two in the morning. Jungkook stirred in bed unable to sleep. Her teary face hit his mind again and again. Pulling himself from the bed, wearing the slippers, he padded to her room. Standing before her room, he could still see lights were on. She's still awake he thought. Slowly unlocking the door, he peaked through slit. He saw her lying on the bed. He wanted to comfort her but it was him who caused the dismay. He could no longer stand there. Stepping in very quietly, he slowed his pace with quiet steps. Nearing her, he saw she was fast asleep. He could say she cried herself to sleep as her cheeks were dried with tears. He switched off the lights except for the night lamp. Covering her with white duvet, he sat beside her. With the moonlight and the night lamp, his eyes traced her innocent face. It was the innocence that pulled him to her. Every time she smiled, he was there looking at her.

For the past one and half year, he was always around her. It took four years for him to find her after that certain incident. He would have revealed himself, proposing very soon but situations and his position didn't allow him. He had to take care of something else before bringing her to his world. With so much enemies following him, it was hard for him to make a rough decision. He was abroad for the past six months. But every day he would make sure his men were always around her.

Then one day, she has a boyfriend.

He was so furious that some fucker wanted his girl but the problems and work tied him up, not allowing him to return from London. The day she graduated from the college was the day he was back from abroad. He knew everything about and around her, her aunt, Diego, Samuel, Justin being heir to Denam. He collected every information even about her aunt's siblings. He was updated only with a name David, but not photo. His men told that they couldn't find any. He knew every information around her.

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