Episode 70 - The Worst

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She recollected how Jungkook dragged her from her aunt's house. All the acts that she witnessed from her aunt's family were all staged by Benjamin.

He forced her into his life that day against her will. That coercion of him saved her life that day. Just the thought of being a prisoner in the hands of Benjamin made her tremble like a withering leaf.

"Uncle why the fuck are we waiting?" Diego bellowed.

"Let's end that bastard and his savages" Diego screamed like a madman as images of Jackson's death clouded infront of him. Jackson was his cousin. A brother and A friend. Burnful vengeance to avenge his brother's death leeched his heart. His desire was to brutally murder the bastard and his family who killed his friend.

But a wicked thought crossed his mind. An evil smirk curved his lips as the thought to suffice his torments all these years surfaced his mind. He took strides towards the shuddering girl.

His palm tugged her arm like an anchor inducing torturous pain "And this slut" he spat.

"We will use her for our business" Diego eyed her. A loud gasp left her mouth hearing his words. Her cousin wants to sell her in trafficking. Diego was not her own cousin but a step cousin. However, he was never like this the years she spent her time in his house.

He always bullied her but she never took it personal. Now she understood his addiction in drugs. How frequently he possessed those white packets when her aunt always nags her on how it costs to feed extra mouth and pay for her expenses.

When they had Benjamin why did they have to care about money.

They didn't spend money on her for her basic expenses because they never like her.

He thought Diego to be just an addict. He is here infront of her transformed into whole different man with evilness and cruelty crawling inside him.

"She might cost a fortune or costless. Who cares?" Diego spat out.

And that moment, everyone's eyes buldged including Benjamin's.

Layla petrified in absolute appall from the incident that just took place. The insufferable racking scream from Diego shook the entire darkness.

Half piece of Diego's tongue was lying lifeless in the ground.

It all happened in seconds.

The ties which binded Jungkook loosened and the sharpness all around the tree's bark favored him in shredding the dark rope on one particular side.

The moment he felt the ropes getting loosened, his beast was awaken.

The monster which heeded all the disgusting names that Diego used on his wife.

Despite his sheering pain in his thigh, like an enraged bull he marched towards Diego who just ignited him again by calling his wife a disgraceful name.

He hauled the twisted blade which was inside his thigh. He felt electric shocks of excruciating pain all through his body. He couldn't care less.

Like a wounded lion, he pounced with ferocity over his prey. With the same blade with which Diego twisted into his knife, Jungkook already had Diego's half tongue in his hand.

One slash.

The same tongue which called his wife names was lying in mud near him.

The red liquid left Diego's mouth like a lone river as he brought his hands to cover his open mouth in agonizing ache.

Taehyung can only smirk in satisfaction at the situation. Frank was more calm than usual as if he was in picnic. As if he knew that this day will come and he had already seen this day.

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