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Jin and I walked around the hall chatting about several things.

Soon we came to a room marked Gym Room.

"This is the gym" Jin said pointing inside the room for me to look inside.

"This is where they usually do PE and Sports."

I nodded.

I noticed a boy coming out of the room towards us.

"Hi Jinnie" The boy said.

"Hi Hobi" Jin replied.

Jin noticed Hobi looking at Namjoon.

"Right Hobi this is Namjoon,Namjoon this is my friend Hoseok."

"Yh but u could call me Hobi" The boy said.

I said "Nice to meet you Hobi."

"Hey Hope get over here!" Someone yelled .

"Coming!" Hobi yelled back

"Sorry I got to go now but I'll see u guys later." Hobi said as he went back inside.

We waved as Hobi left.

"Ok now let me show u the Cafeteria" Jin said as we walked down the hall.

When we got to the Cafeteria we heard voices.

"Leave me alone"

"Why should I"

"Because we broke up"

We saw a small boy with glasses being cornered by 3 older boys.

Jin was about to intervene but a boy with long black hair  and piercings came from the other door.

"What do u think u are doing"The boy said in a low voice.

"Teaching this slut a listen!"The older boy said glaring at the other.

"Not on my watch" The boy said cracking his hands.

The boy punched the older boy in his face causing me to jump but Jin just had this expression of irritation on his face.

The boy got on top of the other boy punching him repeatedly as the others watched in fear.

"Stop Please Stop!" The boy begged.

"Hmm Why should I" The stronger boy said mocking the older one.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry" The boy said with tears running down his face.

"Liar" The boy was about to throw another punch but Jin stepped inside.

"Thats enough Jungkook"

The boy looked like he was about to yell back at the person who told him to stop but when he saw it was Jin.He let go of the boy's shirt making the boy to hit his head painfully on the ground.

When the boy named Jungkook got up. The other 2 boys that were harassing the boy with the glasses ran off.

Jin was too busy scolding Jungkook so I decided to ask the boy with glasses if he was okay but he only responded with nods.

I noticed Jin leaving without me while dragging a protesting Junkook so I ran after them.

"Hey wait for me" I told them.

"I can't believe u" Jin said to Jungkook

"This is the second time this week"He continued.

"Hey I was doing a good service "Jungkook told him.

"U act like thats a bad thing"He continued glaring at Jin.

"It is a bad thing kookie"Jin sighed.

"I told u stop calling me that" Jungkook said with a slight blush on his face.

I laughed as he watched the two boys argue. The small boy came out of cafeteria behind us.

"Ummm" He said shyly, making the boys turn their heads.

"Thanks for saving me" The boy said which made Jungkook smile.

"No Problem kiddo" Jungkook said giving the boy a wink making the boy smile at him.

Jungkook chuckled as he saw the boy leave with a small blush on his face.

"I guess I should introduce u two" Jin said.

"Namjoon this is my brother Jungkook" Jin said with a slight annoyance in his voice.

"Nice to meet u" Jungkook said with a big smile releaving his bunny teeth.


I smiled "Nice to meet u too."

"U know your going to get in trouble again" Jin said with his arms folded.

"I know but I couldn't help it" Jungkook said proudly.

"If someone's in trouble i want to help them." He continued.

Jin took the boys hair into his hand slighly ruffling it.

"I know but I hate seeing my Kookie get in trouble." Jin said while patting the boy's head making Jungkook blush.

Whats with this weird atmosphere aren't they supposed to be brothers?

I thought in my head.

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