Point of no return

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L. Denham welcomed the guests with high spirits.
After Esther's wedding, she softened a lot, all her bad mood seemed to have disappeared somewhere. It was only a glance at Том could spoil her mood. Despite all the guarantees,that her debts would all be paid, she could not forgive him for risking her money so much.

But so,there was a new object of interest for her now - Mrs. Campion. It was necessary to get to know her better, in the end it was at her expense,that the Parkers pledged to return the lost money and put the resort business on its feet.

All the guests had already gathered,when Eliza and Esther entered the living room. Esther warmly greeted her aunt and went up to Mary, who stood alone, away from everyone and watched with an anxious face.
Meanwhile Eliza, accompanied by Sidney, approached L. Denham:
-L. Danham! Let me introduce you to Mrs. Eliza Campion,- Sidney said.
-Mrs. Campion!- with a smile L.Danham turned to her,- I heard a lot about you, glad to meet you.

Eliza smiled back and made a slight curtsy.

-How do you like our city? Have you had time to enjoy all the delights of resort life? - asked L. Denham.
-It's hard to call my being in this province a pleasure,-Eliza replied with a smirk, casting a glance at Sidney,-I have no idea how people can live here, far from London.

L. Denham's face changed from her words.

-L. Denham!- feeling the tension, Babincton came up to her,- let me see you off, the guests are all gathered, we can go to the table.

For Eliza was completely different, what the old Lady would think or feel from her words, she tried to show Sidney with all her appearance,that she was unhappy, and in principle she wanted to put him in an awkward position.

But she did not calculate one thing, L. Denham did not tolerate an offensive tone at her home from anyone.

The guests took their seats, everyone was a little tense. Eliza's presence and her mood seems to have affected. Sidney understood,that Eliza would do everything possible to piss him off in front of everyone, so he decided to keep quiet and once again not give her a reason for this.
Georgiana sat opposite Eliza and looked at her with cold eyes,which made Eliza feel uncomfortable at all. She did not forgive Georgie for the fact, that relationship with Sidney had completely deteriorated because of her.

While the treats were brought, Eliza did not lose the reason to talk about ,what was fashionable in London today, what kind of table setting should be and that everything on this table now are not fashionable at all. In the end, all her remarks were finally brought by L.Denham and she decided to put Eliza in her place:
-Mrs. Campion! May I ask? Is your family from London? Were you born and raised there?
Eliza suddenly froze for a second in surprise.
-No, -she replied, -my parents are from the suburbs of London, but I ....

Before she had time to finish her words, L. Denham cut off her:
-But you moved to London, successfully married a rich man,so that he would provide you with a luxury life in your beloved London. Well, I thought so. Only provincial girls can dream so strongly of a beautiful life in London.

 Only provincial girls can dream so strongly of a beautiful life in London

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