More then love

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-Susan,-Charlotte whispered in tears, as they hurried into the carriage.
-Shh, everything is fine,-Susan reassured her.
-If you hadn't come on time ...- she could no longer speak. The realization of,what might have happened, if Susan had not come in time, made the situation even more difficult. If anyone, especially Eliza, saw them, it would be a huge scandal.Charlotte was so upset, that she couldn't speak, she had only one desire, to quickly get to her room and be alone with herself, with her feelings and with the letter ...
- Susan, I'm so sorry, you had to leave the ball so early, - Charlotte could not calm down with guilty eyes.
- Oh my dear girl, don't even think about it. - Suzan reassured her, - I already got bored of all these balls for a long time,but when you belong to this society, you cannot miss them. And besides it, sometimes very interesting passions boil there, like today, for example, -she smiled slyly.-All I expected today from this ball, I have already received, so now we can safely leave.
-What do you mean ? -Charlotte asked in surprise.
-Well, Your meeting, - Susan continued to look at her with a sly smile.
- So you knew he would be there?
-I saw their names among the guests and was a little surprised, and already began to think, that I was mistaken in him, but seeing his emotions for you, I convinced, that he is not going to give up and he will fight for you despite all the difficulties,- said Susan, - and I hope he was able to provide enough valid arguments to be forgiven?
- I think so, - Charlotte was embarrassed,- I still have many questions, but I hope, that I will find some of them here, - Charlotte held the book in which the letter lay, she looked at it and sighed deeply.

- So you knew he would be there?-I saw their names among the guests and was a little surprised, and already began to think, that I was mistaken in him, but seeing his emotions for you, I convinced, that he is not going to give up and he will fight...

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Susan decided not to torment her with questions anymore. Charlotte was overwhelmed with emotions, she needed to calm down and figure out what to do next.

As soon as they entered Susan's opulent mansion, Charlotte excused and hurried to her room.

Her heart was beating like never before. With trembling hands, she opened the letter and began to read.


My dear Charlotte, I am writing another letter to you and I am not sure if you will ever read it .But I will sincerely hope, that fate will take pity on me and I will have a chance to personally give it to you. And if you are reading this letter, it means,that I have a hope for the freedom to choose my own destiny, which will be connected only with you.

I know how much I hurt you, but believe me, before I broke your heart, I had to break mine first, realizing, that I could never recover from this pain. All this time, as you left, I tormented myself with the question whether I could have acted differently and found another way? And you know ,now I realize, that I hastened to choose the most obvious way. Yes I have driven myself into an intolerable dependence on a woman,whom I would never want to depend on. But you must now,all I was thinking at that moment ,was not only how to save my family, but first of all to protect you from the fate of connecting your life with a person,who will have to pay off this huge debt all his life. I didn't want, I couldn't allow such a fate for you , and it seemed to me,that I had to abandon you, to let you go, so that you could arrange your life the way you deserve it, and you, more than anyone else, deserve the best.

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