You worry too much

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"We really need to talk about how this will go on."

Stevie stared up at him, eyes wide as she knew that right now she wouldn't be able to stop the conversation from happening. The last week or so she had successfully avoided it, always making sure that Lindsey was thinking about anything else, mostly her and what she was doing with him, but not talking about their relationship.

Things were good between them. They both knew that their relationship was heading to something serious, not wanting to let another chance pass them by. But it was also what made Stevie freak. She hadn't been having a serious relationship ever since they had their last shot. Honestly she hadn't had any kind of relationship after him, again. The two she had told the press she had been having had been nothing more than her regularly hooking up with a guy for sex, no feelings involved. Thinking about her and Lindsey as a couple scared her.

"I don't think that this is the right place."

She tried to once more wind her way out of this talk.

"Then when and where do you think is the right time, right place? Don't think that I don't appreciate your ways of avoiding this talk, but you do just that."

Lindsey knew that being on the plane with the other members of the band around them was far from right place and right time, but he didn't know where else to get her to talk. At least now he was sure that she wouldn't try to distract him by suddenly dropping her clothes.

"Lindsey, please..."

"No, we'll be heading back to LA in a couple of days. And there are a few things that Kristen and I have to organize as well."

He wouldn't have thought about her reaction. Stevie paled, looking as if she was about to panic.

"Are you okay?"


"You'll tell me why?"

"We'll talk later at the hotel, I promise. But please, this really isn't the place."

"You'll tell me now why I had the impression that you were just about to have a panic attack on the plane?"

Nodding at his question, Stevie turned back to face him. She had been staring out of the window, looking at nothing in particular as she was trying to steel herself for what she knew was to come.

"Because I am scared." She whispered. "I'm scared of what might happen between you and me. Not necessarily that we fuck it up again. Well maybe, but I'm scared cause this is serious. I've not been having another relationship after we broke things off. I've been alone all this time. I didn't need to compromise for all these years. And now... I think I just really realized what I'm getting into."

"Steph. It will be okay."

Lindsey made his way to where she still stood next to the window. He took her into his arms, pulling her close.

"How do you know that?" She asked, looking up and she knew that he could see the doubt and fear in her eyes. "How can you be so sure that it will all turn out okay? It's not just you and me anymore... I... what if..."

He waited for a moment, but she didn't continue, which was why he aske her.

"What if what? What are you so afraid of?"

"That they hate me." Stevie muttered.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't understand what you said." He tilted her face up.

"I'm afraid they hate me." She repeated, still quietly, but this time he got it. "If all they know me as your ex, who was still possessive about you. All this talk, all the everything's cool, we're having our little love affair on stage and being each others muse and it's all good, everyone is alright with it... they just know me as the woman you were together with ages ago and you still work with. But I'm not even a friend. And all of sudden were together again and..."

"Stop rambling..." Lindsey couldn't help but laugh.

"This isn't funny."

"You worry too much."

"How can you say that?"

"I don't say that things won't be a little off and tense for some time. But it will work out. They are old enough to understand."

"Are you trying to calm me down or worry me even more?"

"Stevie, give it a little time and everything will be okay."

"If you say so."

"I do, I know them after all."


She nodded and then gave in and cuddled closer, allowing her worries to fall off her for a moment. Lindsey was supposed to know his children. Stevie just hoped that he was right.

Sorry for the delay, been a bit busy. Hope you like it. xoxo, Dani

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