Chapter 9

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It has been months since Duramax was revealed. Many things have changed. The Autobots are more on guard, and with their new recruit Smokescreen they are even more on guard.

Megatron POV

I hear the peds of Soundwave. I turn around and see a set of coordinates on his visor.

Megatron: You have decoded the next set of coordinates, excellent Soundwave.

He turns around holding a replica of a Iacon transport pod

Megatron: Then it is time to beta test our decoy.

Megatron looks over into a dark corner of the room.

Megatron: I have your first assignment.

???: As you command, Lord Megatron

3RD POV Omega Outpost One

Optimus is decoding the Iacon database, his servos working as fast as he possibly can.

Optimus: I am nearly finished decoding the next set of Iacon coordinates.

The computers begin to play a high pitched noise, Ratchet and Optimus both look over at the computer screen.

Ratchet: You may not need to complete your task Optimus.

The screen shows a bilp somewhere out in China.

Optimus: An Iacon locator beacon.

Ratchet: It seems the Decepticons have already excavated the next relic.

Optimus nods and turns around to face Ratchet.

Opimus: Ratchet triangulate coordinates and activate the ground bridge.

Ratchet walks over to the bridge's controls and begins to triangulate the coordinates. He opens the bridge and Optimus walks towards it with Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead all ready to go. Optimus looks around and sighs.

Optimus: Autobots, transform and roll out!

3RD POV Iacon Relic Coordinates

A vehicon is working on drilling into the side of a mountain. Two insecticons are here to lift heavier objects and act as security. Vehicons are clearing rocks and Insecticons are moving large boulders. One vehicon pushes over a larger rock and stops, he then turns to Megatron.

ST3V3: Lord Megatron.

Megatron turns and begins to walk towards the vehicon.

Megatron: I certainly hope this relic is of Decepticon origin

He stops and his optics widen. His optics focused on what they just found

Megatron: It cannot be...

He then returns to his stoic face. He looks to his troops as his newest member walks over to him.

Megatron: Power of this magnitude must never fall into the hands of Optimus Prime... no matter what!

Megatron walks over to the blade and wraps his servo around it. He begins to pull on it. His face turns to shock, then rage. He wraps a second servo around the hilt and begins to pull harder. His servos slip and hell stumbles backwards. He opens fire upon the blade stuck in the rock. When the dust settles Megatron's eyes widen in shock.

???: The rock is impermeable. It would seem Lord Megatron that this relic is protecting itself and anything it is logged into.

Megatron, slightly startled by his appearance, nods in agreeance with him.

Megatron: It will only respond to the power of a prime...

Megatron growls and turns to his troops.

Megatron: We will remove it, even if we have to take the entire mountain!

The troops begin removing more stone. The new soldier walks over and begins to move large boulders with ease. Not stopping until he has cleared enough.

Megatron: Enough!

The troops stop and look at him.

Megarton: Begin transport.

The Nemesis opens up and a large cable with a claw on the end drops out of it. Megatron and the soldier look at the mountain. The cable loses all slack and begins to move. Blasters begin to be fired, Megatron looks over and sees Smokescreen.

Megatron: Who in the pits of Kaon is that!

Megatron looks at the new soldier and nods. He transforms and takes off into the shadows, remaining there if they need help. Smokescreen grabs the relic and tries to move it. Four vehicons sneak up on him and one blasts him in the back. The grab him and begin to drag him to Megatron, when they are shot. Megatron looks and sees the three Autobots standing there firing upon his men. He then begins to look around, seeing Optimus going for the saber. Megatron begins to charge off towards the moving mountain.

Megatron: Keep Prime from the Relic!

He transforms and flies off with three vehicons behind him. They fly off and up towards Optimus, opening fire upon him. Optimus flies off the cliff side towards the hilt of the saber, and Megatron lands a shot upon him. Optimus transforms and grabs the hilt of the sword. The sword begins to glow and it slides out of the mountain as Optimus falls to the ground. Megatron lands on his warship and looks down seeing Optmius holding the sword in his servos. Megatron orders the mountain to be dropped and he signals for his soldier to go down and introduce himself. Optimus looking at the blade turns around and slices the mountain in half with one blow. Everyone is shocked, then on guard as they hear a loud humming noise. They look and see a familiar sight driving towards them. He transforms and lands on the ground before looking up at Optimus. Everyone's optics widen in shock. The camera turns around and pans up, as plates shift into their final position and pressure is ejected from his hydraulics. It lands on his optics. A very dull shade of blood red, almost looking demonic. He opens his arms and two swords slide out of his arms.

???: Hello again, Optimus Prime. Did you miss me?

Optimus looks at him, sadness in his optics before they return to serious.

Optimus: You had a chance to leave this life behind you, why rejoin them.

???: I was shown the error of my ways Optimus. I was shown that I will always be a Decepticon. I must fight, to avenge my brother who you slayed with your own servos.

Optimus: Why have you come down here then? To fight?

???:No... to show Primus that he was foolish

The bot transforms and drives off through a groundbridge, without another word. Optimus sends a wave of energy towards the Decepticon warship and knocks out some of its engines. The Autobots walk over to Optimus and just as they get within hearing range they hear Optimus say solomuly.

Optimus: Duramax, what happened to you?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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