Chapter 8

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Duramax's POV

Neither of us have moved, I can see Optimus studying my facial features I have revealed. I begin with a slow charge, my heavy ped slapping the ground as I slowly speed up. Before long I'm in a full sprint charging Optimus, with Optimus doing the same. I stop and slide a little as I slam my servo into his chest and he slams his into my faceplates. We both are sent flying back a few feet. I rise to my peds and start to charge him again. I smirk when I notice he is still recovering, I jump and let gravity pull me down with the force of a meteor behind my punch. He rolls out of the way as my punch makes contact with the ground. I go to rise to my feet but notice that my servos are stuck. I look down at the ground and start to pull as I hear Optimus get up. He pulls out his sword and raises it above himself.

Optimus: I am truly sorry Duramax...I wish I could have saved you.

I begin to shake, my servo breaks loose and I catch his blade in my servos. I slowly look up at him, and begin to growl. I snap the sword and throw it into his side, I rise to my peds and slam my servos into his chest pushing him back. I grab the blade in his side and pull it out. I stare into his optics as I shove the blade into his midsection. His optics go wide and he falls forward onto me, I chuckle and say in his audio receptors

Duramax: I guess Elita-1 died for nothing Prime. Don't worry, I will kill Megatron with the same respect she received in her execution.

I pull my leg up and kick Optimus away from me. I smile and look down at him, then I turn to Megatron.

Duramax: I'm going to carve out your spark and make Optimus watch as you offline, just like Elita-1...

Megatron stares at me and I can see the rage on his face. He brings out his sword and charges me. I pull out my own weapon, an Energon Axe. It clashes with Megatron's sword and I stare into his red optics that are slightly leaking coolant. I smirk and let my faceshields extend out. I break the lock and kick him back. He regains his bearings and I begin to walk in a circular motion. I stop moving and stare him down.

Duramax: One shall stand...

Megatron growls at me and I can see he only wants to see my head on a spike.

Megatron: And one shall!

He opens fire on me with his cannon, I dodge the shots and begin to close the gap between us. I get closer and closer, before long I am in perfect range to attack. I lunge at him and bring my axe down upon him. He reacts quickly and extends his blade blocking my axe but falling to one knee. I use this to my advantage and kick him in the chest sending him down to the ground. I walk over to the groaning mech and slam my foot into his chest, not caring if I actually damage him. I raise my axe and look at Optimus whose optics have widened in horror. I look down at Megatron and chuckle darkly.

Duramax: You shall fall on this day Megatron!

I begin to bring my axe down, when I am tackled from behind. My axe is sent flying out of my hand. I get up and see Bulkhead, I grab him and throw him before he can get up. I see the rest of Team Prime and The Decepticons standing there. I look at Optimus and Megatron. Megaton begins to walk forward but Optimus stops him. He walks forward pulling the blade out of his midsection. Optimus begins to charge, Durmax smirks and returns the charge

Optimus's POV

I throw punch after punch at him and all he does is block them or parry them. I see an opening and slam my fist into his side. He crumples to the side and then slams his fist into my face sending me flaying back. I shake my head and charge back towards him. I go to punch and he blocks it. He counters and throws me into a large boulder. I start to get up again when I feel a heavy stomp on my back. I go flat on the ground and look up at him.

Duramax's POV

Duramax: I was a fool to expect you to be able to defeat a gladiator Optimus. You have gotten soft! This is the day you will meet your end. I will end you here and now Optimus Prime!

I point my cannon at his helm and as I am about to pull the trigger, I am pulled into my own processors. I look around and growl.

Duramax: Whatever trick this is...I demand you release me immediately Primus!

???: Now ain't that a shame....

I spin around and point my blaster at the strange voice. My arms become weak at the sight of who it is. I drop the blaster and I stare at him.

???: Don't even got time for your brother?

Duramax: You're dead... I watched you die. This is a trick!... Primus is deceiving me to save his champion.

Hoss: Brother, if you truly believed that you would have shot me on sight. Primus asked me to come and bring you back to the light. Don't you see what you are proving here?

A panorama of the area I'm in plays and I see Team Prime standing there yelling for Optimus to get up, and I see the Decepticons retreating with their leader and I watch as they leave. Megatron looks back and for a moment, I see his optics turn blue before returning to red

Hoss: Is this who you are Duramax? The bringer of chaos and destruction? The Anti-Prime? A nemesis prime? No, you're my brother... who just needs a few good hits to the helm to see the truth.

I stare at the faces in front of me. Bumblebee is watching, his adoptive Sire's life being put on the line right now. He looks away not able to watch as coolant drops from his optics. I look down and see Optimus still beneath my ped. I look at Hoss and nod.

Duramax: I am a murderer, I am a killer, but I am not without morals. He is my friend, my brother in arms. I will not fall victim to Unicron's calls, for I am the monster needed to keep other monsters at bay

Hoss smiles and fades away. I return to reality and look down at Optimus. He looks up and I can see it in his eyes. The acceptance, the willingness, the pleading...

Optimus: Do not... make them watch me suffer... if you are going to kill me...

I look over and see Bumblebee, his blue optics pleading to Primus himself that Optimus will be ok. My canon powers down and my optics soften. I stretch my servo down to Optimus. He looks up at it with confusion. Duramax, draws his axe and slams it into the ground. He then gets on his knees and looks up at Optimus.

Duramax: Optimus Prime, I have failed you and Primus. I am here before you for you to decide. If you decide I will die, then I will accept my fate.

Optimus looks down at Duramax and grabs his axe that he wedged in the ground. He raises it above his head, and Duarmax looks up at Optimus with a look of content in his optics. Optimus brings his axe down and they hear the sound of it slam into the ground. Everyone looks at Optimus and they see he missed Duramax. Duramax has a look of shock on his face and is staring into Optimus's optics.

Duramax: Why Orion? Why spare me?

Optimus hunches over and grabs his side. He begins to limp away to his team, he looks over his shoulder and says.

Optimus: Because it is not what your brother would want. Duramax, still staring at where Optimus was in front of him, begins to cry. Coolant flowing freely.

3RD POV *Omega Outpost One*

The camera pans to Optimus. Ratchet scanning his side back at their base. Everyone silent, a feather would cause a thundering sound if dropped. Arcee shakes her head and looks over at Optimus.

Arcee: With all do respect Optimus, why did you spare him? He is just going to come back later.

Optimus, turns his head slowly and looks at Arcee, his optics showing ones of regret and sadness.

Optimus: Because, Duramax has his fate sealed. He now roams, alone. With nowhere to go. I believe that is punishment enough for him.

The camera pan to Duramax driving away from the barn, and we hear a simple phrase said.

Duramax: The beast has been caged long enough...

The barn explodes in a cloud of blue fire and grey smoke. All that is left to show that anything lived there is ashes of the barn, and a small energon crystal leftover from the blast.

Duramax: And now, he wants OUT!

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