Chapter 7 - Truths out

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(For those who read the original chapters, you know his name already)

Hoss's POV

I slowly open my optics with a pounding headache. I hear something fall and try to get up but just end up falling over. I hear heavy peds jog over to me and help me up.

Optimus: Are you okay Hoss? You took quite the fall.

I chuckle and stand up fully. I look around and see Megatron passed out on the table and Knockout curled up next to Breakdown on the medical berth. I sigh and grab my helm shaking my head.

Hoss: I'm fine Optimus.

He nods and helps me to a chair. I sit down and look over at Megatron.

Hoss: Optimus, could you wake up Megatronus? I fear the cons might come looking for him and bring a war to my peace.

He nods and walks over to Megatronus. I sigh and learn forward in my chair. I stare at the floor wondering if this war could have been avoided. If his death was somehow my fault. I began to shake it away when a memory purge hits me.


War has plagued Cybertron. Duramax is on his back staring up at a bot that looks almost exactly like him, his plates a lighter shade of grey, his optics a brilliant blue

Duramax: Brother! Don't make me choose sides! Please leave this war, we have lost too much.

But I knew he couldn't hear me. His audio receptors turned off as I watched coolant fall from his face. His Revolver pointed at my helm. I see a con charging us, and my optics widen. He was a plague bot. They were made to infect Autobots by Megatron. I tried to warn him but it was too late. The bot latched onto him and began to infect him. I shot the plague bot off and destroyed it. I ran to his side and grabbed his hand.

Duramax: No! Not you too...

???: Duramax...

I looked at his face as his shields retraced and he stared into my optics. I can see the...happiness in his optics.

???: I am free... thank you... I will tell Carrier and Sire you say hi...

Duramax: No! Not you too... Hoss...

With those words his grip loosened and the fights around me slowly stopped as they saw me on my knees. I begin to shake and let coolant drop from my red optics. I began to shake... not in sadness but something all too familiar... RAGE!!! I felt a servo on my shoulder. I grabbed the bot and tore his arm off, then beat his helm flat with it. All bots around me froze in place. Even Megatron and Optimus, who had showed up when they heard of the passing of... of my only family left. I was looking down and not a single bot could see my face. My helm shot up and locked on to Megatron.

Duramax: YOU!

They all backed away. I raised my servo and twisted it to point at him.

(1:24 that is Duramax's servo twist)

Duramax: GUILTY!

I shot forward and slammed my servo into his faceplate sending him back miles. Everyone stood on guard.


I feel a servo touch my shoulder, I grab it and flip it over slamming it onto the floor. I hear yells of me to stop and a moan of pain. I shake my head and my senses return to me. I look at my victim and see Megatron. I let him go and fall back into my chair, my spark hurting and crying out for its other half to be returned. I look at Megatronus and I feel coolant running down my faceplates.

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