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Have you ever felt empty?

Not the kind of empty that comes from missing your morning coffee or being sliced down the middle and having all of your most vital organs extracted


Not like that


But the kind if empty that's like when you say a word too much or too often so it completely loses meaning

Like you define nothing and nothing defines you and though yes I am one to always say that nothing should give you a definition I feel as if being a slave to something else or to some idea of something else is so much easier than being absolutely isolated and meaning nothing

And while nothing can be something is still an argument I can't disagree with because I am nothing but I am something as a whole

You can see me and I can move left and right and I can talk but of what can I talk that is worth talking about?

the days become shorter, and along with the layers I wear, my shield of pretentiousness grows thicker and heavier so it starts to ache the top of my vertabrae and then my shoulders start to slouch as my head reverberates the loud sounds of middle school girls giggling in the corner of the room

The room that seems to stretch with every eye that rolls and smile that perks and though you seem to distance yourself further than the width or length of the room it's as if you never moved at all so the gap bridged between the corner and you is empty

Not the kind of empty that comes from missing your morning coffee or being sliced down the middle and having all of your most vital organs extracted

But the kind if empty that's like when you say a word too much or too often so it completely loses meaning

Like you define nothing and nothing defines you

Either way,


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