30 Pounds - Life with an Eating Disorder

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it'll start when your mother says ,

"you'd better not gain more weight if you want to look good in that dress"

it'll start when your father says

"baby, you're not a small girl"

it'll progress

when that boy you thought also thought so highly of you goes out of his way to brutally prove

you're nothing but a sack of gross flesh and skin

something to bruise, a toy just for him

he'll say what he's been thinking when you fight one day

throw you across the room

show your his game to play

he push your shoulders back, send you

falling over the desk

hitting your head, your soul becoming undressed

under duress

you're the best

pawn, pawned, hoped to be gone, he grabs you by the flab of your arm and wiggles it slow

145 pounds

the day starts normally

you pick up you're XXL shirt and size 8 pants uniformly

walk to the bathroom and stare, whereas normally

you be in and out in a minute or two

your reflection cements your feet to the floor and it steals you

you begin to notice

you're eyes deep in focus

your chin looks too wide

your cheeks too pudgy

your arms arent muscled, they're homely

theres not a bone to be seen

even your skinned-over teeth

theres hair on you arms and face

you start to pin point your 'problem areas'

you're twelve years old worrying about the size of your aureolas

your tummy spills over the front of your jeans

the jeans that were fit for the legs of a beast

you grab your phone and look up the word "obese"

the only thing you read is your name

before you know it

you're avoiding mirrors like the plague

going to the gym for 5 hours a day

you tell yourself you're just 5 pounds away

that number increasing with every step that you take


every day that you face

every tongue is poison laced

every remark that you hear sends flood down your face

when you're alone

you don't just listen, but understand what your step mother would say

when she was happy every time you'd leave

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