Money, Zoey, and him(Drake + Drew angst)

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Requested by @surr34l_s1mp

Drew was wandering the halls of Alabama High school, he was looking for his girlfriend, Zoey to see if she wanted to go to the mall with him after school. After a few minutes of absentmindedly roaming the halls Drew finally spotted Zoey talking to Lia. He sauntered over to them, making Zoey, and Lia stop mid conversation. (A/N: I wonder why~ maybe they were talking about her sugar daddy?)

"Oh Hi Drewybear, what's up?" Zoey asked, smiling, and clinging onto her boyfriend's arm. Unbelievably, Drew was starting to get sick of Zoey clinging to him, but he still wanted to spend time with her, and the only thing she ever wants to do is go shopping. Doesn't she have enough stuff by now?

"Well I was thinking we could go to the mall, hit the shops, and maybe get some food after school?" Drew suggested. His wallet was certainly going to be empty, and then his father would cut him off. Obviously money wasn't what made him happy, but Zoey was what made him happy, and if he didn't have money she wasn't happy, and if she isn't happy neither is Drew. What he didn't know was that something in the near future would haunt him, because it's the fear that keeps him awake at night, the feeling that makes him sink, the eerie that sneaks up on him, and makes him want to play his special violin... (A/N: credits to " for the headcanon that Drew plays the violin) Yeah, that's right he plays the violin, which may make him seem hypocritical, but it's not his fault, his parents molded him, like clay, into the mindset in which anyone who is associated with music is a "music freak".

"Oh, I'm sorry Drewybear. I promised my parents that I'd be with them tonight, maybe another time?" Zoey said sweetly, scratching the back of her head sheepishly.

"Uh, yeah sure, another.... Time."Drew replied in a melancholy tone, as Zoey, and Lia made their departure, leaving Drew standing alone in the hallway.At the end of the day Drew was putting his stuff away in his locker, when he remembered Zoey said that she didn't like her parents, nor did she ever want to be around them. He made a mental note to stop by their house and see if Zoey was there, and if she wasn't, he'd ask her parents where she was.

Drew sped down the sidewalk, through a pile of leaves, which caused an elderly man to yell at him, chasing him down the sidewalk angrily waving a rake. When he'd finally lost the old rake man, he had made it to the Diggory's house. He knocked on the door, and a lady, who he assumed was Zoey's mom, since he'd never met her parents, opened the door.

"Oh hello young man, what can we do for you?" Zoey's mother asked, she had brown hair, green eyes, and a friendly, comforting smile etched on her face.

"Well, I'm your daughter, Zoey's boyfriend, Drew." He explained, there was an uncomfortable silence between them, and her smile faded to confusion.

"But her boyfriend, Zach just came to pick her up, so they could go to the mall?"Zoey's mother replied, in a confused tone. She put her hand up to her chin in a thinking pose. Drew awkwardly scratched the back of his head, but on the inside, his stomach plummeted forty feet.

"Her.... boy- what? She has.. Another... boyfriend?" Drew asked in confusion, he was hurt, and was having a hard time processing what his supposed "girlfriend's" mother just told him. Zoey's mother just nodded, and had a look of sympathy on her face.

'I'm afraid so dear, she's been with Zach for months now." Zoey's mother explained. Drew mumbled 'forget i came here, forget it.' as he walked off the porch, and started sprinting to the mall. He ran back down the same path, tears spilling out as he ignored the angry old man waving the rake. Sure enough, when he arrived at the mall there she was, Zoey standing with a boy whom he didn't recognize. Zoey caught a glimpse of Drew, and pushed the mysterious figure away from her. She ran over to Drew, and hugged him.

Drew put on a stone cold face, as he shook Zoey off his arm.

"Drewybear, what's wrong? Aren't you happy to see me?" Zoey asked, faking concern for her other boyfriend. Drew crossed his arms, and was utterly appalled that she decided to pretend that he didn't just see her canoodling with another guy.

"I'm sorry, who are you, and what's a drewybear? I don't associate, and I especially don't date cheaters." Drew sneered, visibly proud of himself for pretending the same way his supposed girlfriend did.

"C-cheater?! What are you talking about? I only love you drewybear! I promise!" Zoey whined, as she began to fake cry. Drew had enough of this nonsense, he scoffed in disbelief, not caring if he made a scene in the middle of the mall.

"Don't lie! I literally just saw you clung to another guy's arm a few minutes ago, and now you expect me to pretend it didn't happen!! I even went to your house to ask your parents, and your own mother told me that you'd been seeing a guy named Zach!" Drew spat, now that the truth was out, and Drew was angry, Zoey dropped the act. She propped her hand on her hip, and rolled her eyes.

"So what? It doesn't matter what I do as long as you still love me, and continue to buy me whatever I want. By association with you I'm the richest girl alive!!" Zoey bragged. Then it hit Drew like a ton of bricks, 'Zoey's a gold digger!' he thought. Even her last name has Digger in it, although it's not spelled the same.

"HA! You were only using me for my money! I can't believe you! I can't believe I was dumb enough to not have noticed sooner." Drew groaned in frustration. "We're over!! I WISH I NEVER KNEW YOU!!" Drew yelled, angrily. He caught the attention of the people surrounding them in the mall. "Mind your own business you creeps." Drew mumbled, as Zoey ran back to her "sugar daddy". When he got home that night, Drew didn't eat, and he didn't get much sleep. He figured his father wouldn't care, so he raided his dad's alcohol rack, drunk until 5 o'clock, and passed out. Drew awoke the next morning feeling woozy, and tired, but went to school anyway, dreading the idea of catching eye contact with his ex. To his dismay, he ran into Zoey on the way to school. His posture for the rest of the day was horrible, his shoulders were slouched and he knew it, consciously he could hear his parents voices saying " You've got to have a straight back, show people that you're a high horse, don't neglect our money, and most importantly don't make a bad image for the Bradford name."

"Hey Drew Wait up!! Are you feeling okay? You've been quiet all day, you have bags under your eyes, and you were kind of spacing out during classes." Drew's friend, Jake asked, a look of concern on his face.

"I'm fine, I just found out that Zoey was cheating on me yesterday, so we broke up.. And I'm not taking it too well I guess." Drew explained, through a mumble. Jake just nodded. Tears began to flood Drew's vision, but through the glistening eye water Drew could see a blur of Jake hugging him.

"You'll be fine, I'll help you get over Zoey! Hey, we can even have a sleepover or something." Jake suggested. He noticed that Drew smelled faintly like Champagne, and beer.

"Thanks Jake, I'm glad I have you as a friend." Drew said, as his vision blurred, and he blacked out. "Must've been all the alcohol he drank last night." Jake thought as he took Drew to the nurses office.

A/N: i feel like I've been inactive with one-shots for a long time, after many a headaches, and breaks i finally got this one-shot finished. YAY

Also pls don't do underage drinking.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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