Lia, Liam, or lettuce?(Henry x Liam)

331 10 14

Requested by me, again.

Henry had always struggled with love, Lia obviously only had eyes for Jake, and she always call him a dwarf, but for some reason his heart leapt when a certain person was around and that was Liam. In all his days, Henry had never imagined that he could be Bisexual. Maybe it was time he moved on from Lia anyways. "Liam!! wait up!!"Henry called. Liam stopped, and waited for Henry to catch up.

"Here to talk about Lia, or your disturbing lettuce fantasies?" Liam asked, as they began walking again.

"No, actually i was wondering if you wanted to go get ice cream?" Henry replied.

"Sure, Icy Crem parlor is nearby." Liam said.


"Do you have a lettuce flavored ice cream?" Henry asked.

"No." Shadow said flatly.

"Well then, can I have one chocolate scoop on a cone." Henry asked ,as he peered over the display case.

"Sure." Shadow replied, trying to sound pleasant.

A/N: This is unfinished, and I don't know if I'll ever get around to finishing it.


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