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Sam was currently sleeping, again, on Gabriel. It was the morning after Sam stayed the night to avoid walking in on disturbing noises again.

Gabe decided to roll Sam over and lay on top of him, and wrap his arms around him like an octopus.



"Stop being an octopussy."

Gabe lifts his head up and squints at Sam.

"What'd you call me?"

"Octo. Pus-"

Gabe rolled on top of him, straddling him, and starts tickling him.

"Gabe! Stop!" He giggles.

"Take it back! I'm just octopus!!"

"Fine! You're an octopus, Gabe!"

Gabe stops tickling. He leans forward and kisses him. Sam pushes him away.

"Yuck, morning breath."

"Mm. But you like it," he leans down again but is stopped by Sam's hand on his face, pushing him back. Gabe reluctantly pulls back and stares at him.

He leans down and attacks Sam's neck, leaving kisses all over, moving to the other side when he's covered all the skin on that side.

Sam gasps and lets out a noise that Gabe's never heard before, so he pulls back.

"What was that?"

"Uh. Nothing?"

Gabe narrows his eyes at him and sits back, yelping and jumping off when he feels something poke his ass.

Sam covers himself, blushing.

"Y-you h-have a-?"

"A boner, yes, I have a boner," he rolls his eyes.

"But.. why?"

Sam mumbled something.


"Because it felt good! You were kissing my neck and it felt good, okay?" He covers his face with the blanket. He just wants to curl up and die.

"Oh," Gabe whispers. His face is red, too. He's never made anyone feel like that before, except for himself, of course. He liked it, he liked being able to turn someone on, it really built up his self-esteem.

He crawls under the blanket and wraps his arms around him in the dark.

"It's okay," he says, "I liked it, too."


They eventually got out of bed and ate breakfast. After breakfast, Sam wanted to play video games, so they went back to Gabe's room and started playing Guitar Hero III.

"I'm gonna beat you this time, Samoose. I bet ya."

"What do you bet?" Sam grins.

"Uhhh.. If I win- no, when I win, you can give me a..." He bit his lip as he thought.

"Don't say blow job."

"Ew! No! I was thinking candy! Jeez!" He shoves Sam, "I want a big bar of Twix!"

"Okay, but when I win, I want a blow job."

"Shut up! Dude, you're so gross."

Sam laughs, tears forming in his eyes as he crumples with laughter.

"I'm kidding!" He sits up. "I want... hmm... a kiss. A big, long, slobbery kiss."

Gabe slaps him on his arm, "slobbery kisses sound gross! Why would you want that?"

"So I can tell all my friends that you're a slobbery kisser," he grins.

Gabe shoves him off the bed.


"HA. I WIN!!!" Sam fists the air.

Gabe lets the guitar drop out of his lap as his face falls into his hands.

"YOUUU GOTTA KISSSS MEEE. BIG AND SLOBBERYYYYY," Sam yells in a sing-song-y voice.

Gabe rolls his eyes, "I never agreed to that."

Sam pouts.

"Oh, don't give me that look, you jerk."

Sam widens his eyes and pouts his lip more.

"Ugh, fine! Come here!"

Sam scoots in close to him and waits.

"Close your eyes," Gabe says and Sam does.

Gabe leans forward and sticks his tongue out and licks Sam's face from his lips to his cheek.

"Eeewwww!!" Sam pulls away and wipes his face.

Gabe laughs, "you said, 'big and slobbery!'"

Sam scrubs his face with his sleeve.

"You're so gross."

"But you like it."

Sam chuckles, "maybe."

Gabe grins. Sam leans forward and give him an actual kiss, a soft kiss.

"I enjoy kissing," Gabe says, "it's fun. And nice."

"Yeah," Sam smiles and leans in again, kissing him once more.

When he leans back, he grins wide, grabbing a guitar, "I bet I can beat you again!"


Did that take too long? ;-; if so, I'm sorrie bbs.

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