Making Friends

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The morning is dull but the birds are out, chirping. And they're pissing Sam off.

"Uuuugh," Sam groans as he covers his face with his blanket.

"SAMMEEHH!!!" Dean burst through the bedroom door. "Get up! Get uuup!" He jumped up onto the bed and tore off Sam's blanket. "It's your first day of high school, buddy! Get the fuck up!"

"Ohhh my god! Get off!" he pinches Dean's ankle.

"Ow!" He plops down onto his butt, "What's got your panties in a twist? Gabe not put out?"

Sam groaned and rolled his eyes and Dean laughs.

"I don't wanna go," he burrows his face into his pillow.

"Why not? I thought you'd be excited," Dean's eyebrows pull together.

"They're gonna make fun of me because I'm so short," he frowns, "and, Gabe won't be there."

"They're not going to make fun of you, you're my little bro. I will be the only one making fun of you," he ruffles Sam's hair, "why won't Gabe be there?"

"His parents can't take him and there aren't any school busses that will go that far."

"What about the city busses?"

Sam gives him a look, "it's Gabe. Do you honestly think he could survive a city bus?"

Dean looks down and sighs.

"Well, I can pick him up," Dean suggests.

"Dean, he's already registered at that other school, and that would mean getting up earlier," he gives Dean a crooked smile, "but, thanks for trying."

"I'm sorry, buddy. But, get up you're going to school. We're pickin' up Cas." He gets up and walks out of the room.


"Alright, turn to your neighbors and introduce yourselves," Mr. Wyatt says before sitting in his seat.

Sam turns to the small, dark haired boy with glasses, and holds out his hand, "Hey, I'm Sam."

The boy turns to him, slightly scared, eyes wide, "Barry," he whispers.

Somebody taps Sam on the shoulder. He turns and sees a big guy with light brown hair and hazel eyes.

"You shouldn't talk to a nerd like Larry over there, or else he will be your only friend."

Sam rolls his eyes and scoffs. "His name is Barry. And what do you care if I'm friends with him? What are you, my mom?"

The guy turns to his friends and laughs, "this little bitch is talking back to me," he turns to Sam, "I was gonna suggest be friends with me, but never mind now." He laughs a deep, dorky laugh.

Sam raises an eyebrow and gives him an unamoosed look, "did you honestly think I'd be friends with you?"

"Ha! Who wouldn't want to be friends with me? I'm the coolest guy here!"

"Being a dick doesn't make you cool, it just makes you look like an asshole," Sam retorts.

By this time, almost everyone in the class has their eyes on Sam and the big burly guy.

He suddenly stands up, fists clenched, "listen here, you little sh-"

He's cut off by the teacher, "hey! Enough! Sit down, Dirk!"

Sam turned toward Barry, "are you alright?"

Barry nods, but puts his head down on his arms that are crossed over the desk.

Poor guy, Sam thinks, he doesn't have any friends.

And that is when Sam has made it his mission of the week to become friends with Barry.


"Hey! Barry! Wait up!" Sam hollers down the hallway toward the kid that swiftly walked out of the room once the door rang.

The small-bodied boy looks over his shoulder before sprinting into the bathroom.

Sam sighs and follows him in.

"Barry!" He sees the boy sitting down by the end faucet, with his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking. He was crying.

Sam shuts the bathroom door and locks it, not caring about the weird looks he gets.

He walks up to Barry and he sits next to him before putting a hand on his back, rubbing gentle circles.

Barry gasps a sob, "why are you being nice to me?"

"Because everyone deserves someone being nice to them, unless you're a dick like that guy back there."

Barry laughs and sniffles.

"Thank you, Sam."


"So, yeah, I helped out a kid at school today and made a new friend," Sam speaks into the mic of his phone.

"That's cool, sammich," Gabe's voice replies through the speaker.

"I missed you. You should come over tomorrow."

"I miss you too. I'd have to ask my parents but okay."

Sam bites his lip.

"I wanna hold you right now," Sam mumbles.

"Me too."

"And hug you."

"Mhm," Gabe replies.

"And kiss you," Sam adds softly.

"I know, Sammy. I gotta go, mom's calling me for dinner."

"Okay, Gabe. I'll text you."

"Okay, love you."

Sam couldn't get used to hearing that. Gabe had said it first when he told Sam that he wasn't going to the same high school. He wanted to make sure that Sam knew exactly how he felt, not expecting the feelings to be mutual.

"I love you, too," Sam said, biting his lip as he presses the 'end' button.

Sam turns and curls around his pillow, wishing it was Gabe he was cuddling.

Gabe puts the phone down and buries his face into his pillow until he hears his mom yelling to get his ass down here and eat.

Gabe squeezes his eyes shut and tries not to cry about missing Sam and gets up and walks out of his room.

He walked into the kitchen and grabbed his plate that his mom prepared and sat down at the table.

"How was school today?" Father asks.

"It sucked," Gabe responded honestly.

"Oh, honey, we're sorry that you can't go to school with Sam, but you know that we can't take you, what with our work schedules..." his mom says.

Gabe nods sadly, "I know momma. I just miss him. Can I go over their house tomorrow?"

"Sure, bud, ask Dean if he can pick you up from school."

Gabe smiles real big, "I will, dad."





I have failed you all

And I'm so sorry.

I wish I could update faster for you guys, I mean, you guys mean a lot to me. And I've got over 40k reads because of you guys! (Thank you btw)

:( I'm honestly trying my best to update.

I'll try harder bbs

I love you,


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