In the Stars

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That morning started like every other morning started at the Black ancestral home.

Orion Black got up. He got dressed. He headed downstairs where his copy of the Daily Prophet waited for him and sat down to read the paper while he waited for breakfast and the rest of his family to join him. With a flip of his wrist, the paper unfolded so he was able to see the entire front, yet what he saw headlined on the front page changed everything as he continued looking at the morning edition of the newspaper.

From behind his paper, he heard Walburga arriving, shifting her skirt as she sat down at the dining room table. He didn't stop looking at the front page as she buttered her toast in the same manner, she did every single day, with precision and appropriate restraint. "The front page must be very interesting, as you've not stopped looking at it, dear." He didn't say a word when the sound of someone arriving in the drawing-room was heard from above. Without looking, he knew his wife was looking up. "Who could be visiting us this early in the morning?"

"Do either of you know where your son is?" came the sound of his father's voice from the doorway of the dining room, the tone indicating he meant business.

"I absolutely do not know where that filthy runaway is, nor do I care to know, let alone know whatever trouble he's gotten up to this time, so absolutely don't tell me. Wait until after breakfast to discuss it with Orion if you must absolutely discuss the matter," Walburga said, not missing a beat.

"I'm talking about Regulus."

"Regulus, the dear boy, is up in his room after a long night of studying for his NEWTs like the proper Pureblood he is." She then said, "You really are interested in the front page today dear."

There came a silence, then Arcturus Black said, "I see you actually do know where he is, Orion."

With that, the paper snapped down onto the table, Orion still attempting to control the way his stomach lurched at reading the headline about his youngest being arrested for being a Death Eater, someone leaking information as he could only have been arrested the night before; they both saw Regulus at dinner. He slowly stood up, the chair legs sounding on the floor as he did while his wife looked at him in confusion. "I need to talk to Sirius."

"That filthy runaway."

He didn't respond, simply Apparating away, to a spot near the horrid Muggle apartment Sirius decided took a strange liking to before. Taking a deep breath, he headed towards the place he'd learned his eldest was staying, his heart pounding in his chest while thoughts of his youngest rattled around in his head. For a few seconds he hesitated, then he knocked on the door.

The person inside opened the door. "Bloody hell! What are you doing here?"

"I need your help."

"As if I'd help you."


"Don't pretend we didn't wash our hands of each other the summer before my sixth year," Sirius snapped, obviously irritated that he'd shown up.

"Regulus." The name of his youngest came out quickly. "It's about Regulus, so please..."

"Fuck off."

The door slammed in his face, but not before Orion caught sight of the inside of the apartment which was enough to allow him to Apparate into the apartment. Looking around, he couldn't help but be displeased at the raggedness of the apartment, knowing full well certain Muggles lived better than the way his eldest did, yet he also knew full well Sirius, what with his inheritance from his uncle, could, in fact, own a nicer place.

"What the hell!"

"Please. He's your brother. Do something."

Sirius' silver eyes filled with the kind of anger Orion was used to seeing in both his eldest and Walburga's eyes. "No. No, you help him. After all, it is your fucking fault, yours and hers, that he became a fucking Death Eater in the first place! And now you want my help!"

He turned, storming off into his kitchen. From one of the side rooms Orion heard someone stir, hoping it wasn't some girl, but he pushed it aside, taking a deep breath. "I know. I know we did wrong."

"Do you?" Sirius snapped back even though Orion remained calm. "It's what you bloody wanted, wasn't it? Aren't you proud of your Death Eater son?"

Orion's eyes narrowed, his nostrils flaring, yet he kept his voice calm, not raising it like his eldest and Walburga were apt to do. "I didn't."

"You didn't? What?"

"Want him to become a Death Eater." Orion chocked out, suddenly wondering how he'd become so emotional when normally he held his cool. Then again, Regulus was involved, their precious Regulus.


"I really didn't. He's..."

"I know! The perfect heir despite being born second."

"No. You don't know how many times we've nearly lost him Sirius, but don't act like your mother and I are the only ones to blame for him becoming a Death Eater."

"Are you saying..."

"That you share the blame?" Orion let out a deep breath. "I've wondered every single day since he joined whether he would have if you'd only..."

"Been sorted into Slytherin and been the Death Eater instead?"

"...hadn't left home." Orion glared at Sirus. "I know, I very well know I should have been hands-on and not have left raising you two to your mother, but you. You're the one who left your brother thinking he needed to become a Death Eater."

"Well, isn't that what you expected of your heir?"

"No, unless one counts your damn penchant for liking to cause trouble, and then I would definitely still be worried about Regulus joining because he would have damn well have done the same just because you did and you damn well know it." Orion narrowed his eyes, frustrated with his eldest, simply wanting someone to help him get Regulus back.

"You're lying. There is no way I'd honestly believe she didn't want that."

"Your mother isn't..." Orion stopped, then rephrased what he said, for he felt she didn't want either of them joining Voldemort as much as he did. "I can't speak for your mother, but I can speak for myself. I simply want my son back."

"And you've yet again forgotten that you had more than one son. You weren't ever worried about me, so why..."

"And you conveniently like to forget he's your brother, but there's no getting around that you're the only one of us who can do anything about the situation. Be as smug about that as you like. I don't care. I just want Regulus back home where he's safe. And why should I ever worry about you when you very well can take care of yourself?"

For a brief moment, Sirius went silent, but then he looked away. "Screw off. He turned himself in so even if I wanted to do something I can't. Get that through that thick Black skull of yours, but don't let me see any of your faces here ever again."

Orion had no choice to leave but now had to explain the fact he'd tried turning to the "filthy runaway" to try and get their youngest child back safe and sound.

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