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Siyeon POV

Siyeon: What the hell?!? I have to go earth for fucking what dad.

Devil:You must protect this new recruiter.

Siyeon:What new recruiter?

Devil:She's a demon. Her name is Sua.

Siyeon:What she look like?

Devil:Your the female devil and she a demon that doesn't know how this world goes

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Devil:Your the female devil and she a demon that doesn't know how this world goes. Fix it now. You'll be watching her every moves making sure she does what shes supposed to do. Your going to earth and make sure she does right Siyeon. I'm counting on you.

Siyeon:Dad. Are you sure you want to send your devil daughter to earth?

Devil:Don't worry. Dami will be with you as well.

Siyeon:Great demon Dami is coming. (Grabs my things) What about the people that know I'm the devils daughter?

Devil:Then baby girl make them know your more serious. Now go get ready to leave to earth.

I sighed Heavily and packed my things and so did Dami. We teleported to earth and headed to our house and started to unpack. We looked at the time and saw school starts less then 15 minutes we got dressed and parked our motorcycles in the parking lot. Of course only we was only able to ride ours. Dami held the door opened for me and we both headed to our first period. We always came to earth for classes but never for a mission. I was writing in my book until the teacher walked up to me with the new recruiter.

Teacher:Sua this is Siyeon she will be your tour guide of this place so no worries.

Siyeon:Do i even have a say?

Teacher: Nope good luck though. You can actually sit next to Siyeon Sua.

Sua:N-ne. T-thank you.

And this my friend is where the story begins. Hopefully you guys love it. Fighting!!!

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