Chapter 4

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Siyeon POV

I teleported outside and walked in the party looking tired with hickies on me. Of course people was confused because they didn't think I would date anyone due to me being a devil. Sua cane downstairs with her boyfriend behind her. I wanted to act drunk so I started to act drunk by leaning onto Sua but RM grabbed me making me lay on him instead. I was angry by the fact he touch me. I got off him and looked at him angrily.

Siyeon:Did you just fucking touch me?

RM:You touched my girl.

Siyeon:Which on Tzuyu or Sua?

RM:Wait what?

Siyeon:You fucking heard me.

Devil:Yes daughter make him pay.

Siyeon(slowly transforming):Sua or Tzuyu.

Devil:Bring him to me daughter make him pay.

Sua:So you have been seeing my friend behind my back. She was telling the truth.

Siyeon(grabs RM neck):I know a good place for you.

Devil:Come on and bring him to me.

Dami(Grabs Siyeon):Siyeon Stop!

Siyeon(Let's go of RM and looks at Dami):W-what happened?

Dami:You was turning into the devil.

Siyeon(transforming back and looks at RM):Get out. If I see you again I'll kill you. Sua doesn't need you.

Sua:I don't?

Siyeon:You don't.

RM:Fine im out(leaves)

Siyeon:You still want that piece of shit?

Sua:How did you know about that?

Siyeon:I'm the devil. Enjoy this lame ass party.

Jennie:Come on Siyeon don't be like that. Stay and enjoy yourself.

Siyeon:I almost killed someone. I rather leave.

Sua:Siyeon stay please (Looks at Siyeon)

Siyeon(sighs):Fine just fine. I'll be in the dancing area if your looking for me.

I walked off and sat down in the middle of the couch. There was people dancing and drinking. I looked away amd this random girl started to give me a lap dance. I just stared at her angrily and she immediately moved out the way. Sua walked sexually and slowly started to dance in front of me. My eyes stayed glued on her while I had a cigarette in the other hand. I took a hit and Sua grabbed it from me and burned it. She lifted my head and got onto my lap amd started giving me a lap dance. I couldn't help but to place my hand on her waist as her hips swayed to the music. I gently bit my bottom lip and sat up looking at Sua. She pushed me back into the couch and looked at me smirking.

Sua:Should we go back upstairs?

Siyeon:Is that what you want?

Sua:Its alot of I want Mr.Lee but I don't know if you can give it to me.

Siyeon:What do you want?

Sua:You... (Whispers in Siyeon ear)Inside of me.

Siyeon:That wont happen.

Sua kept close by my ear whispering things ans olaced her hand on my face. She slowly started to moan in my ear. I tried to control myself from Sua moans but it was so hard.

Sua:I will get louder and everyone will hear me. Is that what you want?

Siyeon:Oh really?

Sua:Don't believe me?

Siyeon:Not. One. Bit.


Sua moans gently started to get louder. I couldn't hold back anymore. I grabbed Sua and pinned her against the wall. Sua looked at me deeply into my eyes as I did the same to her. I leaned in and started to kiss her while wrapping my arms around her waist. Her arms went around my neck as she was kissing me back. I pulled out of the kiss and Sua looked at me again smirking. We started to kiss again and she gently bit my bottom lip.

Sua:You sure we shouldn't go upstairs? Are friends could see us right here.

Siyeon:Fine lets go. You promise one round.

Sua:We will see.

Siyeon:You promised one round Sua. Don't lie to me.

Sua:Okay daddy let's go.


Sua:Or mommy? Which one you like more?

Siyeon(turns red):I like both. But daddy is fine.

Sua:Well daddy let's go.

Sua pulled me into her room closing the door locking it. We went on her bed and started to kiss again waisting no time. I pulled Sua shorts down with her underwear and pulled my boxers down and looked at her. She knew I didnt have any condoms on me but she didnt care. I leaned in and started for kiss her while putting myself inside of her. Sua gripped the bedsheets and started to moan heavily. I intertwined our hands as my movements became faster. I felt Sua walls tighten around me. I went faster and harder. Sua hands went onto my back as she started digging her nails into my back. She felt so good I didn't want to stop. My hands went on her waist as she started cumming on me. I leaned my head forward as I slowly started to deep stroke her. Sua moans was becoming louder then the music. I slowly down even more and you could hear how soaking wet she was. My strokes became more sloppier as I became close. Sua wrapped her legs around my waist pulling me closer. I started to move my hips faster but my lips pressed against Sua lips to keep her from moaning so loudly even though I loved it. Sua came again as I came inside of her breathing heavily. I laid next to Sua and she looked at me and climbed on me.

Siyeon:One round you promised.

Sua:Come on I know you want another around.

Siyeon:I didn't say that.

Sua:But you want it.

Siyeon:Get off me Sua. I said one round. We both promised.

I sat up and Sua pushed me down kissing my neck. She left another hickey and out me inside of her. She started to ride me while having her hands on my abs. She threw her head back in pleasure. I gripped on her waist making her go faster. Sua breathing pattern started changing which made me smirk. I slid my hands up her back and started to give her every inch. Sua started coming on me as I was coming inside of her. I immediately pulled out and hurried to her shower. After the shower Sua went in and came out only in undergarments. Sua leaned against the wall for support to stand. I hurried to her and help her back on the bed after I removed the towel. Sua pushed me into the bed and laid on top of me.

Sua:I told you your staying here.

Siyeon:I'm not leaving.

Sua:Why is my body craving you again?

Siyeon:Can you manage?

Sua:We are about to find out right?


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